Hello, I just purchased a used 2012 Prius. It only came with one smart key. The dealer is wanting over $400 to get me an additional one. Does anyone have any suggestions ?? Some people have said that a used one with the same FCC # can be reprogrammed to my car, the dealer says NO. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks
There's been a bunch of question and answer stuff on this. Main points: A lot more locksmiths can (a) program the ECU to accept $RANDOM key, either programmed or unprogrammed. They can do this a heck of a lot cheaper than the dealer can. The "laser cut" stuff is marketing. The locksmith I found just went ahead and cut the key I had, no muss, no fuss, not a large cost. You can find keys on Ebay, a lot cheaper than the dealer. The main trick is finding a locksmith that can do the work. When I had this done a couple years ago it took about ten calls to find a guy who could do it. They have software on a PC that they jack into the car and gear that can read the key codes. Older versions of this software couldn't handle already-programmed keys. There have been reports that newer versions can. So, call around. When you find what that guy/gal can do, then you go to Ebay and look for an key. Unprogrammed are better. Make sure they come with the mechanical key, too. KBeck.
What the OP's hitting has got to one of the most annoying practices. We keep seeing it over and over. If I were buying a used Prius, I'd want both smart keys. I suspect someone along the chain (the dealer or previous folks) are pocketing a smart key and reselling them like on Ebay.
A few points: * The key fobs have unique IDs. The car is programmed to accept specific key fobs, though I believe something is reset in the fob too. * Used Ebay keys have pitfalls. Some kinds are not fully usable. The others have an internal counter, and if it has exceeded a certain number of uses, it cannot be moved to another car without extra support ($$) from Toyota. Please search others threads to read up on the specific details before buying anything from Ebay. Short answer, I'd recommend anyone buying a used car with smart fobs to insist on two smart keys as a condition of the purchase. Let the selling dealer find the most economical path to coming up with any replacement for a missing key. When I joined PC four years ago, it didn't seem that many independent locksmiths could justify the cost of the tools for programming Prius smart fobs. Maybe that has changed as the volume of need has increased.
+1000. I wish potential used Prius buyers would do their homework and force the seller to either produce 2 fobs or knock the cost of a fob and programming off (whatever that is, $400?) or no deal.
My friend bought a used 2010 Toyota Corolla from Hertz Car Rental with just one key fob. He got a new one on eBay and took it to a locksmith to have it cut and programmed. Total cost was $90 - $30 for the combo key/fob and $60 for the locksmith. That might be an option.