I am considering swapping out the tail lights on my 2010 WGM Prius III. I have seen posts with the all LED smoked tails and they look pretty sharp, but I was hoping to find some shots of one with the red tails. I see some on ebay that I believe are Option Racing, also the SPEC-D and Valenti. I was hoping to stay under under $300 for the pair. Does anyone have any pics of WGM with red tails?
I went with red valenti's on my WGM. I'm happy with the way they look. I can get you a better picture when I'm off work if you want.
Thanks for the response. Those look awesome. If you could send some pics or any other views from the side I would really appreciate it.
Sure, this is the only other picture I have, it's a side view. I can take more once I get off work if you want.