If you do the following: (1). Park in no-man's land (far away from everyone) (2). Would spend an extra few minutes to find the best spot (avoid parking next to big trucks or mini-vans, or cars with 2 doors) (3). Would prefer to park at the end of the space, so there is 50% less chance to get a door ding. (4). Would park under the shade of the tree (but first make sure it's not a bird resting tree) I do all of the above when I drive the Prius. Ironically I don't follow these rule when I drive the 911, I just park anywhere. Hard to believe, but it's a beater compared to the Prius.
+1 to all four I have never done this for any other car that I have owned. My wife just starts grinning when I drive to the back of the parking lot and find and island to park against. She just shrugs and says she needs the excercise anyway ! The funny thing is she has started doing this with her car, after getting a couple of door dings.
Thanks for adding #4 to my car neurosis! My wife hates driving my Prius because she thinks I put too much pressure having to think about #1-3.
Well, I look at my Prius from every angle. I'll walk around it and then look at the other cars. My eyes always go back to my car and I always think I'm not trading with anyone. I'm always thinking about how to protect it with OEM stuff or high grade products like Weather Tech floor trays, rear bumper protector, cargo tray, etc. I'm always on this site trying to read about others and their experiences. I'm looking at other Prius owners and considering how their mods and upgrades, add ones, changes would work for my Prius. I love to read reviews on then Prius. I guess if you want to know how you feel about something look at what you DO for it. What are you think, acting, doing, what actions, your footwork, in regard to that thing. There is your answer as to how you feel.
I do this too! I am always checking for dings. I've been parking in no mans land in my section of the parking garage at work. No one ever parks near me. Then this past week some giant SUV has been parking in the spot next to me! Out of all the spots available they park RIGHT THERE!!!!!! I either need to start parking in a different spot or leave them a note! What makes it worse is they don't know how to park! They're always closer to the line of the spot where my Prius is and crooked! Like helllloooooooo! If you can't park it properly you need a different car!
I cringe when I see someone pull-in next to my Prius. Islands and curbs are my friends. I would consider putting on body side moldings, but am not sure they would cover the vulnerable areas, besides being not very attractive, IMHO.
Perhaps you need two Prii. One exposed to the realities of daily driving and your transportation needs, and one that remains protected from the wear and tear of modern driving, on display in your heated garage.
Of course I'm like you and 1-4 is a given for my car, but I really know how much I like my car when it seems to understand Spring and Summer is near, gas prices will be higher and my MPG goes up 8-10 MPG. It helps me keep an eye out on those greedy wallstreet speculators.
I'll admit to doing 1-3 but not 4. I avoid parking under trees whenever possible. Too many times I come back there's droppings, sap, or pine cones all over my clean car.
I would bet most people with a new car do all those things. It has nothing to do with owning a Prius. I would never park under a tree. You get sap all over your car.
I've always taken care of my vehicles and it shows. Walking another 125 feet is not a big deal to me. If my schedule is so tight that I can't spend an extra minute walking across a parking lot my life is pretty screwed up.
That's me in a nut shell. All of the above in the OP, plus some. Doing the shopping cart return if it's within close proximity, is another one. It doesn't necessarily need to be the one I used.
One more to add, I park as far as I can from any shopping cart stall. I actually had someone launched a cart and missed and hit my Porsche while I was sitting in the car.
This is my last car. 2000 4Runner limited. I bought it new and had it for 10 years. I put 305,000 miles on it with less then $1,000 in repairs. I sold it for $5,000 at the end. These are the pics I used to sell it. 4Runner Pictures taken 09-30-09 If you take care of your car it will look good for many years.
Hi all! I really chuckled reading this thread because I'm one of you! I always try to take care of my cars, especially when they're new. My Prius is now 2+ years old but I still do the same things. I park at the end and especially try to park away from old junkers because I think they will scrape my car!