My wife and I are excited to be a part of the Prius family. We had a Camry for five years, and I had a Corolla for several years before that, so we've been longtime Toyota members. We just bought an '05 Prius today, and it only had 71k miles on it! Our two year old boy named it "Apple Pie"
I myself just bought a 2005 Prius with 70,400 miles on it yesterday! Pretty funny timing. This is my first Prius and looking forward to learning about it.
Same color as my 07 Drifty! First thing you should do it put a new steering wheel cover on it. I have a wheelskin on mine. Leather and custom fit. The steering wheel was quite abrasive to me. Feels like a whole new car with that cover on it. Wheelskins - The World's Finest Genuine Leather Motoring Accessories, Steering Wheel Covers, Driving Gloves and Shift Boots
Oh very cool! I just purchased a 2005 too with 81,000 miles! It's "Tidewater Pearl" but I can't tell if it's just the same color as "magnetic gray". It's got that reflective tinting that goes really well with it. The owner didn't want to sell it, but his wife was forcing him to upgrade to an SUV.. His loss, my gain, I'm so happy to have this car! I sold my 2005 CR-V for $10,500 and bought this for $8,500 and will get 2x the fuel efficiency. I just have to fit my two 70lb dogs in here. I've been browsing Prius Chat for a while now, excited to finally report my purchase yesterday. Congratulations on yours OP!
Is that original paint, because it looks darker than usual? $8,500 is a good deal for that millage. I paid $7,500 for my 2006 with 75k, but it had been in an accident. So far, it's been running great.
The owner said it was original paint, he called it green and on the original papers it says green - it's really hard to see the green in it, it has to be bright outside and it's even a stretch then. Thought it was strange.. I do love the color though. This one had actually been in an accident too, but it wasn't on the carfax and no airbags had deployed. The rear bumper was repaired or replaced by a Toyota dealership. I found it to be a challenge to find a car that hand't been in an accident. I live in South Florida, there are a lot of older drivers with very slow reaction times, most people I know have been rear ended including myself. The carfax was a work of art, this owner went religiously to the same dealership he bought from every 5,000 miles and that was the selling point. Oh, and he had an 80,000 mile warranty on the hybrid battery - it went out at 79,977 miles. It has a brand new battery replaced under warranty and he provided all the documentation. It averages over 50 mpg without me even trying (on a highway trip home too), so I am soooooo happy with this purchase. You got a steal on your 06!! Took my dogs for a ride, they do have to crouch some. They did well though - they'll get used to it!
I was surprised how much leg room the car has. It may look small from the outside, but it's very spacious inside.
I agree! I didn't realize how spacious it is from the outside. I test drove a couple 2010 Honda Insights first (I love Honda but couldn't afford a 2010 car in the end) and it didn't feel near as spacious as the Prius. Especially in the back seats, there's way more leg room. Definitely impressed!
Nice find. I found mine after a friend told me about his new (old) 2010. Renewed my interest in hybrids. There's still a lot of good deals out there. Mine: 2005, 74k miles at $8990. Averaging 52.6 on the last 200 miles. One has to pay attention and work at it. Testing different brands of gas now.
Yeah Florida here and I got blasted too sitting at a light. Guy was in his late 60's. I could see as he approached me from the back he was looking down pretty sure he was texting. He never looked up. I saw him texting alot as we waited for the cops. Rear bumper and rear absorber and front bumper when he pushed me into the guy in front of me. I know alot of people have been rear ended. Btw, your due for new Inverter Coolant, trans fluid change and water pump belt.
I think a potential advantage to buying a used Prius is that there is a cross section of owners that tend to be very conservative with their driving as a whole. Therefore it is possible to find older Prius with ridiculously low miles for their age, and one can speculate that they were probably used lightly. Good finds....70,000-80,000 miles on 8 model year old vehicles. Plenty of Miles left in those Prius. Now go read up on "Gas Bladder".
Very nice car. Enjoy. What I usually do when I get my car back from service is buy a box of Lysol wipes and wipe the steering wheel and plastic panels. You will be surprised how black the wipes will get. Just use these throughout your new car.
It's an epidemic down here! Texting & old people rear ending people galore! Glad you're okay. Just saw this tragedy in the paper this morning of an 81 year old turned out in front of a dump truck in his Prius. They both lived, but are in critical care: Couple seriously injured in East Naples crash » Naples Daily News I'm due for those items? I thought the next time I had anything other than an oil change/tire rotation was 100K. Where do I find that information you gave me? Thank you by the way =)
Ah yes the old people turning left into oncoming. Its horrible. I don't think they can see 50 feet in front of them. That's killed more kids on crotch rockets than rain. Those kids refuse to understand they are virtually invisible to old folks. Throw in high speed and the no helmet law in Florida on top of this and its a very busy weekend for EMT's and cops. Every single weekend 2 kids die here locally.