I went to an outdoor auto show the other day. When I got home I saw some white paint looking dots on my car. The dots are the size of salt, peppered on top of my car. I can only see it up close. I started using my nails to get them off, they started to break down and some of them started to have fiberglass looking "tails",after some effort I was able to remove a few. I can't see myself doing that on the whole car. Any ideas? Not sure if I should use the clay bar on it, I don't want to scratch the paint. I'm going to try some of these tips tomorrow, but mine doesn't look like spray paint. It's like some kind of alien paint/fiberglass mix 8 Ways to Get Spray Paint off a Car - wikiHow
A clay bar shouldn't scratch the car, especially most locally available kinds. I would recommend checking out Auto Geek Online Auto Detailing Forum. Lot's of great info there.
I'd try a clay bar. Be sure to use plenty of lubricant, and frequently use a fresh surface of the clay bar. If you're worried about damaging the paint, try a small area in the least noticeable place first.
You may try to find what can dissolve it? some just need a water base and a light detergent, some a alcohol solution or a solvent base that is safe on paint. Before rubbing around a abrasive around on the surface of you paint. Go to your local body shop a added plus if they have a detail department. I used to be a painter many years ago and still take care of my own paint care. There are so many paint care products available to body shops it would make your head spin. As said by stream in the above post replay "try a small area in the least noticeable place first." after you remove what ever is you may need to wax after or apply a swirl remover available at a body and pain supply store but this is not always for the DIYs you can do more damage then good with using professional products. Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/problem-with-the-paint-help.123084/#ixzz2MraPNFkB
Thanks you so much for all the info. I just wash the car with car soap with lots of elbow strength and 25% of it came off. Will try the clay bar after the next wash, if it ever stops raining here. Luckily I had put one coat of synthetic wax on it when I first got the car.
If clay bar doesn't work (pretty sure it will not) you could try mineral spirit. Also isoprpyl alcohol diluted in demineralised water in 1:1 proportion should work. I would be cautious with acetone/nail polish removers Sent ?