What do you think? Black out the already Black prius, with black emblems and black rims.. OR make all the emblems white, with white rims? I'm going to be plastidip-ing, am and wondering which you think will look better. And maybe if anyone has used white plastidip? Does it dirty easily, and is it harder to clean because of the white??
Black the emblems out! I just got finished blacking my emblems with Plasti-Dip and love them. It is just as easy as all the videos show. Putting white rims on a black car, NOT!!
So far I've just done the two main emblems because they were so easy to take off and I was exciting to try the plastidip, but I'm looking at doing the others such as the prius and hybrid ones. It's 10 degrees out so ill wait a couple weeks for the masking ones. I also added some hidden LED's behind the grill which look pretty nice so far.
Cool! I sprayed all my emblems on the Prius without taking them off. Any Plasti-Dip overspray pulls right off the paint, no fuss -no mess.
I used blue painters tape and created a square around the emblem, size appropriate of course. There was about an 2 inch spacing from the emblem. Then newspaper to prevent overspray and your good to go. Go to You-Tube and search Plasti-Dip videos.
For the Toyota logos it's WAY easier to take them off, just use a credit card to get the back one off, and pinch the clips under the hood for the front one! No peeling or tape required just some newspaper
Now you tell me Austin5! I figured it wasn't that hard, but didn't feel like fooling with it. Great Tip, THANKS!!
I believe he is talking about the "T" emblems on the front and back. They are easier to spray off the car. The are only held on by clips, no tape.
Not sure if adding plastidip to the whole car will look good. I it my rear panel glossy black vinyled and plastidip the Toyota emblem
Way harder. Sometimes the badges get ruined in the process (I ruined my HSD badge). Plus you need new tape to put them back. I taped, plasti-dipped, removed overspray, cleaned up mine faster than just removing and cleaning up the ones I removed. To OP, That seems a personal choice, do what you think will look best. Or since plasti-dip is easy to change, do what you think will look less good, live with it fora few days, and change to the other option.