Anyone heard of this ionization process to increase fuel economy? I'm thinking of getting one and is looking for two other Prius owners to take advantage of the buy two get one free offer. An increase in 27% means 162 more miles on a tank. It also means a jump from 50 MPG to 63 MPG with the same driving conditions.
quote]Anyone heard of this ionization process to increase fuel economy?[[/quote] These, or variations of them, have been around since I was a kid. The short story is don't waste your money. The theory sounds good, the science to back it up is absent. Several reputable automotive magazines have tested these MPG devices and flatly state they are a waste of money.
These, or variations of them, have been around since I was a kid. The short story is don't waste your money. The theory sounds good, the science to back it up is absent. Several reputable automotive magazines have tested these MPG devices and flatly state they are a waste of money.[/QUOTE]These "devices" come in all sorts of esoteric forms, copper wire windings, magnets, "polarizers", and on and on. They have been around forever and their ONLY benefit is that the gullible pay the money and the sellers chuckle all the way to the bank. The advertisements usually ramp up when the price of fuel increases. This thing is sold all over the place, by what seems like ethical stores, yet I can't believe it's anything but another ripoff. Perhaps I'm wrong?...
I can't believe that this thing is still around after all these years. After you buy that I have a set of high performance door handles it will take 5 seconds off your 0-60, increase your top speed to 280, and decrease your m.p.g. by 20! Henry