Hello! As I was leaving my garage today there were some pilled up snow between the curb and the road. I went past it too fast and the front undercarriage plastic got scratched: This is one of the two places that got scratched but the other damage looks about the same. Both damages are located at the "bumps" of the front undercarriage area. (This is a 2005 Prius by the way) How bad is this? Is this something which might damage internal components or such? Should I try to do a quick fix until the next service visit or should I go straight to the service center with this problem?
I suggest you take another photo zoomed out, to provide perspective. However if you don't see any leaking fluids and the car does not demonstrate any driveability symptoms, then I would not worry.
I had similar damage. May be more extensive as I was backing out. I drove it for a while with just securing the rip in plastic. Eventually I had to replace the plastic part completely. That cost about $158 installed. ( something like 110$ for part and half hour of labor).
Yeah that plastic cover is pretty easily damaged, I got a few scraps and rips in mine too. You can make a rough fix with just a little bit of fiberglass mat.
Thank you for the answers, everyone! OK, no leaking fluids. Here comes a picture which should give some perspective. It sure looks worse on the first picture. Interesting.. How long did you wait to get the part replaced? Ah, I see. I will try this and get it properly replaced at the next service. By the way, should I be worrying about rust? As far as I can tell, this plastic thing won't really protect the the undercarriage from water and such. First thing that came to mind. I guess it might be a combination of duct tape and glass fiber.
I think it would be fine to leave the car as-is. It's up to you whether to have the part replaced, but not necessary.
It was more than a few months. The damage was just around the wheel. I just secured it and used it for a while. But eventually generated wind got better of it and I had to replace wheel well cover. It took about 10 days after order to receive the part.