I just put my new Wet Okole neoprene seat covers on my baby. Wow! They fit like a glove and look great. The drivers seat even comes with a pump up lumbar support. The last pic is my red baby with the 15% smoked tint. The total cost for front and rear seats with driver's lumbar and zipper compartments behind both front seats was $550. A little expensive, but well worth it. These seats are waterproof which will be great for me when it's raining and I do my paper route. Ken [Broken External Image]:http://www.savior-of-all.com/100_0529.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://www.savior-of-all.com/100_0530.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://www.savior-of-all.com/100_0531.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://www.savior-of-all.com/100_0532.jpg [Broken External Image]:http://www.savior-of-all.com/100_0533.jpg Ken
Looks like the one that comes from prius hoods (sponsor also check out e-bay) I have leather but put one on the center console to keep it looking nicer. (yorkies travel with me) opps you are talking about the back seat so sorry!
What does the manufacturer say about the airbags? Do they have the ripaway seams? The covers look great, btw.
Wet Okole puts a cutout hole in the side where the airbags deploy from. I was a bit conserned about the asthetics of that, but lookinh at the OP's pics, the hole would be behind the frame and not really visable. You do have to specify airbags when ordering. By the way, Wet Okole has video on their website of airbag deployment tests with the seat covers on. Very interesting. Wet Okole Saftey Page
Sorry, wasn't clear. Talking about the black protector that my Aussie-Queensland scratches when she gets in the rear hatch back opening. It doesn't look like the one Toyota sells. Arnie
Ken- I think I'm cracking up. I can't find the picture that shows the hatchback entry on your post, must have seen it on one I was looking at earlier?? Arnie
I think you're talking about a "rear bumper applique". They can be purchased at a few different places, here's one: http://www.toyotapartsstore.com/product_in...ae8d8ce24dbfe2c If you look around maybe there are different types.
They do look good. I was at the Sonic in Anaheim and one of the company vans was there so I could get a good look. Cost was the main reason I didn't go with them. They're probably worth the money (which I didn't have at the time).
Even though I got the black Prius, I still LOOOOVE the red. If I had known for sure I wouldn't get sick of it, I would have gotten that color. Your seats are cool too!
I like those seat covers so much, I just ordered a set for my Prius! I like the idea of the waterproof neoprene as well.....should keep my often-used driver's seat frmo becoming filthy over time. Thanks for the pics!
I am thinking about these or the GT covers. I like the idea of waterproof (snow falling in, the occasional spill...), but I would think the neoprene seat covers would become sticky or not comfortable in hot weather. Also, I would think it might inhibit 'sliding' out of the car?? Can anyone relate their experiences?
I haven't had a chance to see how these things work in summer, but comments on the WetOkole website have been great. If I'm not mistaken, the GT covers come in neoprene as well, and they are cheaper. I have no complaints about the seats whatsoever. They are very comfortable. I'll post a report as my neck of the woods starts heating up, usually mid May. Ken
Well, if somebody orders a set of the WO covers, and decides to sell them at a loss... please get a nice color and send me an email!