I got sick of looking at 34 different PDF's of the owners manuals so I combined them into one big pdf, if anyone is interested in it let me know I can post it here for general use. I did not make any changes to the content and do not own or claim to own any of its content or distribution. It looks like its about 30MB give or take.
I wish Toyota would release combined version. Someone combined the 2010 manual PDFs into a single one. It was up here on Priuschat for a long while, but then a moderator removed it for copyright reasons...
We could always start a google share drive for the members of the group where we can share docs, it wouldn't be connected directly to the group so maybe that would be a more acceptable way to share it.
I have a box.com file share we can use for now Share - Folder Shared from Box - Free Online File Storage
Thanks for that. Just bought our 2012 three model yesterday and we love it! They just didn't have the manual available for us - so we will be getting it in the mail. They offered us the Galactic Nano Bond for $500 which we didn't do - anyone hear anything good or bad about this product?
It's snake oil. Nothing that an $8/hr lot man at the dealership applies will last anywhere near 5 years and probably comes with a warranty that is impossible to use. It's not worth the money. You'd be better off saving the money and use a car detailer yearly and still come out ahead.
Fantastic; thanks for the time and effort. I'm going to go ahead and presume that this manual is darn-near-perfect for a 2013 Two? (Mine did not come with its manual....)