My friend asked me what it costs to send my kids through college. He is a car guy. I said about 4 brand new Porsche Panameras. He said geez.
Yeah! We have a 4 and a 7, that's why we started saving for their college fund 6 years ago. On 2nd hand there is always option B, get a job and put yourself through college like we all did.
OK, I like the licence plate holder. Nice to think that a car enthusiast at least has a Prius too. We all come at this from different angles - I have had some fun and interesting cars in the past eg Caterham 7. Clearly designed for very different motoring than the Prius, which is almost unique?!
Caterham 7? WOW! Now, that's a real toy! 1100 lb, that car will smoke many $300K+ cars around the track.
You bought a pre-made commodity frame..... I like the .45 ACP one better. I've practiced IPSC for years, with a .45 race gun that I built from a Springfield stainless frame. Kings trigger, 3 lb sear cut, kings guide rod, compensator, S&A mag well, Ed Brown beaver tail. It's a sweet .45 perfect for double tap, but unfortunately it does not make a very reliable defense gun compared to my H&K USP .45. Now, I only shoot skeet. Shot a 24, 23 this morning. BTW, I am a huge 2A supporter. Actually will be having dinner with our old open carry group tonight. Kalifornia banned open carry.
I am not falling for the hijacking bait this time +1 Springfield -1 Cali for 2nd amendment infringement
I think we are all on the same team. I am going to be putting on a pair of "bull appendages" hanging down from the back bumper for laughs. Just need to remember to remove them before taking my daughter to school...
That's a British racing team thing. Meaning bullocks... Means you got the balls to come after me or what? Only the really good drivers have a sticker like that on the race track, it's a sticker of a cat from behind with big balls hanging. It's racer junkie things. I say go for it!
Well, here is my other frame on my daily driver. Maybe this explains why I put what I put on the Prius.
If I were behind you in traffic, I wouldn't get it. I would laugh if I were behind a Ferrari and its license plate frame said, Don't laugh, my other car is a Prius. That would be funny.
Insane is what Jeremy Clarkson said on Top Gear when he test drove the car. Anyone who would spend $100k on a SUV that can go from 0-60 in 4.6 seconds, and 1/4 miles in 12.6 is insane. but good news for me is that 99.9% of people on the road have no idea what the X5M is.
I like the idea of a sleeper, just like the Prius. People thinks it's just a regular soccer mom X5 and tries to do stupid stuff like over take me before a turn etc. Except they have a big surprise coming and have no idea what just about to hit them. I get lots of these typically from Camero SS, Corvettes and Mustang folks. I know it sounds kind of childish, but to me it's fun to see their stunned faces afterwards. When situation allow they always pull up next to me at the next light and the first thing out of their mouth is "Man! that'a a fast SUV". The funniest comment one time was from a M3 owner who said "Holy shit, that's thing is a monster!" I do the same with the Prius, I get a lot of them coming up fast from behind before a twisty road. I am sure they are thinking, man I need to get in front of that Prius because the Prius is going to be slow. Except I take off on them at the twisty and leave them far behind. Once we clear the twisty they stay behind me like a good school boy. Trying to figure out what special model Prius I have. But they don't ever roll down their window to give me a thumbs up or make any positive comments. Again, most people will find this kind of behavior childish. But most gear heads regardless how old still have some boy racer left in us. Normally when I am surrounded by minivans and other Prius I drive quit common, just like another schmuck on the road.
I think both frames are great. Who made them? The way you take care of your cars, these must be good quality. I just put a $20 chrome one on back in Dec and find its pitting already with the way the rear if the car gets so gross so fast.
Thanks, I think it's from a place Call But there are tons places that makes them. I think I paid over $50 for the one on the M it is chromed brass with the letter carved out and then filled with ink. I am guessing this will last a pretty long time. I've had many positive comments from people who gets the M frame and always brings a smile to their faces as they say "Good one!"