Just bought a former municipal 01 Prius. The key works the ignition, but I cannot get the key to turn back all the way to "lock." Turns to all other positions fine. I did get it to suddenly work a few times, but then same thing. Tried moving the shift lever without any difference. Any suggestions?
Does trying to move the steering wheel help? There was a report of an interlock solenoid but it is part of the steering column. I don't have any technical details but it is described in the shop manual. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
I had tried wiggling the wheel, and the shifter is in park. With it in park I tried moving the shifter a little to see if that would help and it didn't.
Unless someone else posts first, I'll check the shop manual. You might buy a day or two of TIS and see if you can figure it out. Alternatively, the shop manuals are pretty good and I ordered a set when I bought our first Prius, a used 2003 bought in 2005. Bob Wilson
I did push it in, but it still will not turn. The only thing I can think of is something a bit off with the shifter? Possibly does not go far enough into park to turn the key back? The car has 99K and was a city use vehicle.
Until they decided to sell it. Serious, update your profile for your location. Alternatively, call the hybrid training folks and ask for an independent shop in your area. Bob Wilson
Mine does this from time to time. Turns out the shift lever just needed a little bigger nudge upward to get it "more" into park than it was.
i've had this happen with a few gen. 1 cars. little metal pieces inside the cylinder get chewed up and they need to be re-built by an auto-lock person. they usually do this on the spot in about 25 mins. (cost me $40.oo) in the meantime you should be able to get the key out by disconnecting your 12 volt battery and/or you can take the dash panel apart and disconnect the white solenoid wire. however this will allow the shifter arm to move freely and is not s safe way to drive. there is a hole underneath the cylinder where you can press with a screwdriver and pop out the entire cylinder and bring it to an auto lock shop.
Well, found out today it is the lock cylinder. Took the column covers off today, and found disconnecting one of the harness plugs has it working fine for now. Off to the locksmith in a few days. Thanks for the advice!
You disconnected the lock solenoid and the lock cylinder works fine, that means there is nothing wrong with the lock cylinder. It is caused by likely the shift level position switch is off or bad causing the lock solenoid to be energized.
The lock cylinder is fine now with that plug removed. I found what looks like the position sensor that the lock cylinder gets a reading from, cracked off the column. It never read that it was in park. I'd have to disconnect the battery to keep it from getting drained, and that's when I was able to turn the key all the way off.
For those of you with funky shifters, the shifter cable is easily adjusted from under the dash...just remove the dash panel below the steering colum for access.