Hello! I live in Wisconsin and I purchased an EBH from the Prius Chat store and went to my dealer to have installed. They looked at me like I was from the Moon! The installation guide here is for a Prius 2 and the location evidently has changed for the Prius 3. Where can I get information on how to install an EBH for a Prius 3? Frankly, I am surprised that the part did not come with any information on how to install it. Tom Nesler
The location has not changed one iota - same as Gen 2. What has changed is a wiring harness solidly in the way of orienting the heater to slide it in the hole. I removed the belly pan for access and melted the harness clip with a soldering iron. That provided a little more clearance, but still not enough. I'd guess that Gen 3 requires a from-the-top approach, but I haven't worked up the nerve to remove the wipers, wiper motor, etc.
Great!... Once again, repair is sacrificed for engineering.... I did find a link describing how to get to a Prius 3 heater location but as you said, it requires taking the cover off the wipers. Here is what I found: 3rd-gen block heater They describe removing the clip from the top so yu can access the hole but I am having a problem visuallizing where things are located. Thanks for the info. I will probably wait for warmer weather to attempt this. Tom Nesler
The "from the top" approach works but you need to remove the windshield wiper assembly and tray. The removal process is pretty straightforward, but be careful with the lower tray - there are a couple of vertical panels on flimsy hinges that can break easily. [from memory . . . ].
So after they quit gazing at you did they say something along the lines of "we're not qualified to install a genuine Toyota part"? Did they refuse to do the installation? Try another dealer, and email Toyota regarding your experience? It can be done DIY, but I gather it's not a lot of fun. And if you main motivation for doing it DIY is that dealership didn't feel qualified to do it...
It's a part developed for/by Toyota Canada. No Toyota US service person has any official Toyota US training on it. Some northern US dealers may train their techs and get the part from Toyota Canada. When I ordered Pearl S she didn't have the block heater installed (she was sitting in Courtney B.C. - in the lower mainland B.C. they don't install the block heater, whereas in Alberta you can't get a Prius without the block heater). I was very happy when the dealer agreed to not install the block heater once the car got here. That was a saving of $500 (the retail cost of purchasing and installing it here). It's a pretty useless block heater. At 400W it will bring the engine up perhaps 10C. Not very effective at -20C. Then there is the matter of having to know then you're going to go for a drive at least 3-4 hours before. Pearl has one, and I used it twice to test if it made any difference. It didn't. YMMV
engine block heater install...you can do it /// 12-01-2012 try the above post for some info i also used Tom N55 suggested info much easier to do a bit of a reach-around from pass-side of engine with left hand find the location, install...it's not that bad good luck - have fun