Hi All- Couldn't find the topic when I did a search, so, here I am with this post. I have a 2005 Prius, Package 6 (fully loaded). I own an Apple iBook G4 with a BT adapter. My phone is a Verizon V710 with BT capabilities. My question is.... What is the best way to transfer phone numbers from my phone to my Prius with my laptop? Many thanks in advance!!
I have verizon too, I have heard/read Verizon does allow the capability to transfer phone book/numbers. Other than that, the bluetooth works great fyi, fully loaded is Package #8 (at least in S. Cali)
Thanks for the replies so far, but, this bit of info helps those with Outlook Express on Windoze. I am using an Apple iBook G4 that does not have Outlook Express. Any tips on transferring phone numbers on an iBook?
Go to the last page of that discussion and check out the vcard file transfer method. The Mac should be able to transfer a .vcf file because it is a text file with .vcf instead of .txt and OS X can saavy that.