I have four of the sensors pictured below. They came off a set of wheels from a 2007 Camry Hybrid. Does anybody know if these are compatible with a 2010 Prius?
The PW-107J is apparently what many Toyotas, including the Prius, use. One reference here is Aftermarket rims, tires and TPMS | PriusChat
Thanks for the reply. It looks as if they will work and I just need to program them now. Hopefully the car will accept the eight sensors at once so I can just swap wheels in the winter without reprogramming again.
That's not the way it works... You must register 4 sensors. The old set, or the new set. Be sure to record the serial numbers printed on the sensors before installing them. And record the old ones before you program in the new ones. The only way to program in the serial numbers is to plug a Toyota TPMS aware scantool into the OBD2 port and enter the new numbers. Dealers use Techstream, and many tire dealers have TPMS specific scantools that also work. There is a TPMS tool available for about $150 (search Priuschat or maybe someone remembers the thread). There are also TPMS sensors that can be programmed to any serial number, like the ones already on your car. There are a few Toyota vehicles (like the Land Cruiser?) that can have two sets of TPMS sensors. Unfortunately the Prius is not one of them.
The tool can be bought from Amazon and other places: ATEQ QuickSet TPMS Reset Tool : Amazon.com : Automotive I have one and use it at tire switchover on both my 2010 and my wife's 2008, so it paid for itself the first time I used it (dealers charge up to $75 to reprogram 4 wheels).