Hello, This is my first post to the forum, as I am about to buy my first Prius. If I may be so bold, I'd love to ask you all for some buying advice: So I have it nailed down to 3 options: 1 - A 2010 w 93000 miles (150000 kms) asking $13995.00, 2010 Toyota Prius Hatchback - Ontario Cars For Sale - Kijiji Ontario Canada. a 2008 w 43712 miles (73000 kms) said they'd match the $13995.00 price. 2008 Toyota Prius HYBRID TECHNOLOGY, SAVE ON GAS!!! - City of Toronto Cars For Sale - Kijiji City of Toronto Canada. or - a 2008 w a stunningly low mileage of 4660 miles (7500 kms)!!!! asking $14900.00. I thought it may have been a typo, but they confirmed. 2008 Toyota Prius HYBRID & ONLY 7500 KILOMETER - Markham / York Region Cars For Sale - Kijiji Markham / York Region Canada. Assuming that they all check out ok, I am presuming that the extra grand for the virtually new 2008 is the best deal here, but is there something I am missing? Is the 2010 3rd gen that much better that it should make me go for it despite the mileage gap? (Note I am in Toronto, so these are all Canadian $ prices). Much thanks in advance!!!!
General rule with car buying if money is not factor is always to buy the newer model. Given that they are equally same in condition. Also remember, lower miles doesn't mean the car is always better. Cars needs to be driven, I generally find cars with little pampered miles to have more problems with oil leaks and other issues.
Thanks for that response. From my research of Prius's, 93000 miles is just past breaking it in! I also am lured by the slightly larger engine, slightly better mileage etc advantages of the 3rd gen. Much appreciated!
Have you driven them? I recently became a new 2012 Prius owner, last Sept. Was pleasantly surprised with the performance of the Gen III (2010-later). I think a lot of the Prius driving complaints (typically from the SUV and tailgating crowd) about it being slow come from the smaller engine. If you want to, the Gen III can be driven like the Honda Accord. But the mileage will drop accordingly. Also it has a redesigned PSD that better controls the speed of MG1. The earlier gens had a tendency to push the upper limits of MG1. I have not had the pleasure of experiencing the prior generations but highly recommend the Gen III. My past life is electrical engineer. You don't list models. Mine is a Two that I added a backup camera to. (On another forum here.) Also has other incremental improvements in many functions. So compare carefully. I'm waiting for the components to add the "Torque" monitoring system. Cheers.
Thanks for the advice Dan4500! I will be seeing / driving them over the next couple of days. Please excuse my ignorance here, but how do I identify the models? All the best.
If I remember correctly the model designation was changed in 2012. So the best advice I have is to ask (and trust) your dealer. The model may appear on the serial number label on the (I think) driver door latch post. Or there's also a label under the hood. It is also coded in the serial number which a competent dealer can look up. You may also be able to do a website lookup. The 2010 should still have some warranty time left. The older ones are probably time expired on some of the warranties even though lower mileage. Batteries also degrade over time so I like the newer unless the olders have had replacement batteries. I would guess they have original batteries. Current 2012 warranty is 36000 miles or 3 years; 100,000 miles or 8 years on the hybrid system which includes the battery. Power train (mechanical from engine/motor to wheels) is 5 years or 60,000 miles. This passes on to subsequent owners. I only know about the 2012 which is what I have. Ask about the pass through warranty at your local Toyota dealer if the seller is not one. From what I have picked up on these forums, batteries last at least 5-7 years, and most are much longer, well beyond the 8 year warranty. Cost is around US$3-4000 currently. Hope this is not info overload. Dan