I spoke to the Los Angeles Daily News last week about my Prius, the rise in gas prices and the effects on my driving habits. To my surprise, I made the front cover of the paper. http://www.dailynews.com/Stories/0,1413,20...167794,00.html# Jeff
Wow! Someone in L.A. has mounted a woman on the hood of their SUV! Talk about conspicuous consumption. :mrgreen:
I hate to judge, but. . . wait, I love doing that! Michelle Manire is a moron. "I like it. It can't be this horrible forever." Right. Any second now, more dinosaurs are going to die and turn into oil. Check back in a few million years. "But for Kash, the draw of the Prius goes beyond economics to politics -- he's trying to help reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil, one fill-up at a time. 'Why should we give our money to our enemies? I really believe that. We're supplementing the people we're at war with. I think we should do everything we can.'" Nice quote : )
Back to the 100% tax on personal vehicles......imagine the elimination of traffic overnight, all the funds generated to improve the standard of living, and the drop in SUV prices overnight. At $10 / gallon, I'm definitely still driving! But wait until I get rid of my SUV first! LOL!
Heh. Nice, but given the other picture they should have gotten Cameron Diaz for the Prius picture. As for politics... I'm not sure I'd call Alberta, Texas or even Saudi Arabia our enemies though...
Congrats, Jeff. Pretty cool! Although I have no intention of ever owning an Escalade, after looking at the pic, I now think I might want to be an Escalade.
The grandfather they interviewed claims to get 22mpg hwy/18mpg city in a GMC Envoy XL. If that's true, he must drive about 45mph on the freeway, and shouldn't be permitted to drive. I found the rest of the article very disturbing...mainly because it provided several examples of how stupid the average person is.
Hey Jeff .. Great job with your interview! I'm impressed. I do though wish that more mention would be made of the fact that the Prius produces nearly 90 percent fewer smog-forming emissions than does the typical conventional internal combustion engine car. I wonder what your air would look like if every L.A. basin resident traded in their vehicle for a Prius. Imagine, no more stinging eyes, no more raw throats, no more flying into what looks like a big bowl of butterscotch pudding (the L.A. basin on a smoggy day).
You're judging it. It's cool. You're allowed. It's America. Have a good one. Michelle Manire - the moron.