thanks to dustoff003 for putting me at #218! Now I have yet to get my plates from DMV! I got my car on Dec 15th and DMV still hasn't mailed my plates! Anyone know why it's taking this long? Oh my fuel economy stinks, maybe cos' I drive like 5-10 miles a day locally (no job at the moment) and avg between 12-15mph?
May I join as well? 2012 Prius III with moonroof and bisque interior here. Loving it so far! The color is awesome- I've never been so motivated to maintain the paint on a car before!
Guess we will have to let the Vs in too. Welcome to the brigade boys, now drop and give us 50... er 50 mpg that is.
Stock? But you got the clear reflector. We have the ugly amber one that i probably will be taking out