Alan, Right below your list of fill ups on fuelly, there are several icons (rss feed, facebook, etc.). Select the one that looks like a yellow shield. That will lead you to the Badges page.
Concern on my Fuelly inputs. I have several fuel trips that were affected by my roof rack. One in particular was a fuel trip that was greatly affected with my recumbent with its huge face shield. Should I make an adjustment on these trips to take out the negative effects that artificially affect the mileage?
The only person you have to please is yourself. So if you are making a study, have one record for the vehicle w/o roof rack and another set for with roof rack and bike. A long, long time ago, I learned that MPG braggin' rights are not worth the photons used to display them. Worse, they get in the way of trying to understand the engineering. There are folks who deeply care about their life time mileage and see it as a competitive game. But I am more interested in understanding how things work. You must ultimately choose what is important so let me give a current example. I have E85 (actually more like E74) in my 2003 Prius and something close to E69 in my wife's Prius. I really don't care what my mileage is until I do a series of mph vs MPG benchmarks. I am more interested in ethanol as a fuel than trying to maintain some 'MPG trophy'. Needless to say, some consider this heresy. But I am more curious than intersted in some transient 'ego stroke.' Bob Wilson