So, I race for points in the United Manual Transmission Racers series and have become a real pain in the rear for a few of them. I am the ONLY guy that drives to and from every event and compete against a majority of cars that are never on the street, back halved, full cages, wheelie bars, big blocks, Lencos, G-Force equipped, etc.....A new thread popped up with anti-neon decals being available for sale and the money will go to a charity to be anounced. I got a great kick out of it and take it as a complement. Maybe you guys can come up with a anti-Matchbox one! Anyhow, here is the link, but I don't know if you can go there unless you register on the forum...some one let me know. If you do register there and/or leave comments...keep in mind that they are all taking it as a fun thread and I love the heck out of it...NO SLAMMING!鰴 The Cheap Skate car and some of the guys I race against: The decal: