Hi all, Can someone recommend a self powered subwoofer that would fit in a 2012 pip rear storage compartment (between batteries and bumper in the trunk.) I dont want to change my head unit since its the fancy one with navigation, just want to add deep base to the car. Thanks
I will use a Kicker 11HS8 subwoofer. Based on my calculations it will fit very nicely in the rear storage compartment. The dimensions of the subwoofer is 3 1/8" x 9 3/8" x 13 7/8" which should fit nicely based on my 5" x 10" x 21" measurements (middle of compartment). I hope to do the install today, stay tuned for pictures! BTW does anyone know the color of the front speaker wires (left + -, right + -) and where I can tap for remote power trigger to wire the sub?
Its installed!!! and I think it came out great. Whats even better is it sounds great and adds just enough bass, exactly what I was looking for. Here are some pictures of the install, pretty easy to do. I ran wires along side the passenger trim tucking it in by hand, no wires are visible. Big connector going to amp (L158) Pin 11 = RL+ (black) Pin 22 = RL- (yellow) Pin 12 = RR+ (red) Pin 27 = RR- (white) Other smaller connector (L159) I tapped ACC for remote turnon of amp using pin 12 (grey) I tapped off batter and ground for main power to the subwoofer.
Nice job done! I have the same unit in my 2011 IV, I didn't tapped the signal from the AMP, I took off the kick panel and there are speaker connection there, same color code, L=Yellow, Black and R=Red, White. I didn't use the remote turn on lead, since the Kicker CAN sense the signal from the AMP and turn on the subwoofer. I place the sub right behind the rear seat just lay on top the carpet, it sound really good and blend in well with the JBL sound system, but you need to try several adjustment to make it blend in well, I set my frequency at 75hz and NO bass boost needed, the gain at the Kicker amp set at 90% so that you can use the remote volume to compensate the bass volume. Hope this help make your sound system more enjoyable, I use double side tape to mount the volume control inline with the fuel door opener, I believe yours is power on the dash. I used to hate rush hour traffic but now...I enjoy it because I can listen to good music in the Prius, also...congrat on your new Plug in Prius.