Got bored. Decided to order and install GrillCraft upper billet mesh grill from CARID. $114 total incl tax/ship. Great quality - made in USA. All welded metal and powdercoated silver. Only wanted to have the top grill - thought with the bottom...too much. Install onto current black plastic grill - 2 tabs on the billet grill, and screw on. Instructions - remove front bumper assembly; incl removal of a couple bolts and push-on tabs along the front. I did that and found that I could pull the upper assbly out about 2"; enough to get my hands in, without total removal. Did not really want to remove entire bumper, as that would mean disconnecting fogs, turn signal lights, and messing with the (useless) headlight washers. So, decided to epoxy the upper mounting tab to grill (couldn't get in to drill hole for tab), and drilled a small hole to mount the bottom tab into the grill. Easy, solid and theft-protected. Happy with look - esp with the front emblem mod. Prius 3 1/2 years old now (34K miles). Mine was 1600th built - and trouble-free. Nice these days to get 50mpg... and a pretty nice looking ride too.
In your post, you said "from GrillMaster". Did you perchance mean "from GrillCraft"? Can't locate GrillMaster... thanks.
My mistake - senior moment (actually having a senior year). Actually I ordered thru CARID - checked prices all over - this was best. Received (free ship) in 5 days. 2010 Toyota Prius Accessories & Parts at Above link has pics of both upper/lower grills installed. My feeling is that it would have been much with my red exterior - perhaps OK with white or silver exterior. I can say the product quality is perfect. GRILLCRAFT® TOY-1820-S - MX-Series Silver Mesh GrilleToyota Prius 2010-2011, MX-Series Silver Mesh Grille (TOY-1820-S) by GrillCraft®, 2 Pieces. The MX-Series Grilles are made from GrillCraft's exclusive steel mesh pattern design along with the company’s micro-frame design, giving a distinct, but very narrow edge to the grille. $114.13