This week's date earlier in the week went very well - we just about closed the restaurant with great conversation and laughs. Plans for coffee and an outing on the weekend... that is good progress for me! And, he has seen what I drive.
We drive separately and meet... and I have to tread quietly now as he is an automotive technician and that's all I'm going to say. At least I know I have a "great, reliable car" from an expert's point of view... as most know here my Prius love was Kool Aid induced and I took a "helluva" swig of the stuff. I had told him I had a big diesel truck and a "Toyota" (after two guys came unglued in the pre-coffee launch sequence when I said "Prius"). He asked, "Oh, like a Corolla or Camry?" You know my one word answer. "Prius." His response was a slight look of surprise and a smile - third time must have been the charm. "Really?!" Conversation switched to my Prius (and Prii in general), our hobbies, families and he asked about my stories that were published. Lots of laughs and more conversation ensued. And, a second date is scheduled. With coffee and if the weather holds, I'm driving the Prius.
Third date is planned... things seem to be going well - had a good start to the day with coffee, a visit to a museum that I had not been to before followed by a great dinner with great company.
A month later and it is now serious. He is just awesome!!!! Let's just say coffee and a shared cookie followed by a hot tub experience took it over the edge. I'm blessed.