Links have been tempoarily removed while awaiting formal permission from Toyota. Enjoy! These links are for Priuschat members only - any ip addresses found to be downloading these files through any other referring site will be banned from future use. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Danny
Thank you! I was trying to figure a way of getting my hands on a manual before getting my car. It's great fun to read this, and it just makes me want my car right now! Oh well. I'll be patient.
I went through all the files and renamed them to include the section number, the page numbers, and the titles. Enjoy! Code: mv  1.pdf 01-00.00-i-i-forward.pdf mv  2.pdf 02-00.00-ii-ii-important_information_about_this_manual.pdf mv  3.pdf 03-00.00-iii-x-important_information_about_your_toyota.pdf mv  4.pdf 04-00.00-ifc-ifc-buckle_up.pdf mv  5.pdf 05-00.00-obc-obc-quick_index.pdf mv  6.pdf 06-01.01-001-006-features_overview_of_instruments_and_controls.pdf mv  7.pdf 07-01.02-007-016-features_toyota_hybrid_system.pdf mv  8.pdf 08-02.01-017-048-operation_keys_and_doors.pdf mv  9.pdf 09-02.02-049-094-operation_occupant_restraint_system.pdf mv 10.pdf 10-02.03-095-100-operation_steering_wheels_and_mirrors.pdf mv 11.pdf 11-02.04-101-112-operation_lights_wipers_and_defogger.pdf mv 12.pdf 12-02.05-113-128-operation_gauges_meters_and_service_reminder_indcators.pdf mv 13.pdf 13-02.06-129-144-operation_power_switch_transmission_and_parking_brake.pdf mv 14.pdf 14-02.07-145-154-operation_multi_information_display.pdf mv 15.pdf 15-02.08-155-178-operation_car_audio_system.pdf mv 16.pdf 16-02.09-179-188-operation_air_conditioning_system.pdf mv 17.pdf 17-02.10-189-200-operation_other_equipment.pdf mv 18.pdf 18-03.00-201-228-information_before_driving_your_toyota.pdf mv 19.pdf 19-04.00-229-236-starting_and_driving.pdf mv 20.pdf 20-04.00-229-236-starting_and_driving.pdf mv 21.pdf 21-05.00-237-258-in_case_of_emergency.pdf mv 22.pdf 22-06.00-259-266-corrosion_prevention_and_appearance_care.pdf mv 23.pdf 23-07.00-267-272-vehicle_maintenance_and_care.pdf mv 24.pdf 24-08.01-273-280-do_it_yourself_maintenance_introduction.pdf mv 25.pdf 25-08.02-281-296-do_it_yourself_maintenance_engine_and_chassis.pdf mv 26.pdf 26-08.03-297-308-do_it_yourself_maintenance_electrical.pdf mv 27.pdf 27-09.00-309-316-specifications.pdf mv 28.pdf 28-10.00-317-318-reporting_safety_defects.pdf
Thought I'd let everyone know I've taken down the links for the time being - I am awaiting formal permission from Toyota to post them here on PC. Thanks! Danny
2004 Prius Manual -- single Acrobat file with bookmarks Danny, Let me know (I assume that as Admin you have access to my e-mail) when you when/if you get permission and I'll post the single file I patched together from all of the single downloads. The User's Guide was the first thing I went looking for after driving home the new toy and I was annoyed to find that I had to ante up $10 for a one day pass to Toyota's Technical Info Service for the priveledge and even then it wasn't a single file. Frankly, I was expecting more from the Owner's area -- I was able to download the manual for my previous car for free and it was more professionally done (of course it helps to have English as a first language )
If Toyota approves posting the manual, those of us (All of us!) on the waiting list will undoubtedly be the most well-educated drivers on the road! :lol:
Is there any progress on this? I did try to get the files from Toyota USA's web site, but there didn't seem to be any way to enter a valid non-US billing address. Is there any way I can get these files from official channels in the UK?
Apparently, they're from Toyota USA's Technical Information System. But you'll have to stump up $10 for the privilege, and have a US billing address to do it from.
Argh! I've been looking all over for the user's guide(s). I ordered my Prius a few weeks ago--- Silver package #9--- and in the YEAR interim I figured I may as well obsess over it. I do hope Toyota approves of posting the manual... it seems absurd not to, really.
Has permission been granted? I still have another 3-6 weeks(supposedly) until my Prius comes in and thought it might be a good idea to start reading the manual now. Any help is appreciated. I'm trying to stay far away from that yahoo link, as yahoo sucks. Thanks!
heliotropehead, have you looned at John's site? good place to start... most of your questions about the Prius can be answered there if you are not finding them on this site... Bob Andersen
That is really helpful - Thanks! I'm picking mine up on Friday & was looking for some light reading. Bob Sandhurst / UK :wink:
Wow! I didn't realize the $10 fee for TIS was for one day only. $350 per year. Maybe I'll buy the service manual after all.
Well, you could time it and get 36 hour access. Your time expires at midnight, but they make sure you get at least a full day of access. So, if you sign up at 6AM Saturday, you get access until 11:59PM Sunday night.