Can you estimate how much time you spend in the car commuting round trip to work daily? Post any associated rants and raves.
It also depends on the season/time of year... usually about 25 minutes each way. Around Christmas time... it can take me more than an hour to get home going up Howe Ave because of the shoppers.
Interesting Article on Super Commuters. Growing number of people become 'super-commuters' -
Depending on route, 88-93 mile roundtrip in 100-115 minutes. Obviously, most all highway against rush hour traffic.
i have always made it a point to live withing 20 minutes or so from where i work. the one time i took a job an hour away, once i was comfortable that i would be working there for awhile, i moved closer.
I know. My car is only 5 months old I'd get hung out to dry if I tried to sell it. I'll be honest I was nervous buying a volt or Pip when I was looking to buy for many reasons. I like my car I will look at the numbers when the Gen 4 comes out. If it makes sense I'll buy.
Takes approximately 35 mins to work and 40 plus back home. (on a good day) Bad days..... I don't want to say 50 miles round trip.
I do not have a set commute, it depends on who calls for what. Tomorrow I will go to B to work on a router, to C to clean a PC, (Hard Drive is full) and to D to deliver a roll of Quarters About 135 miles E Harding Ave to E Harding Ave, Greenwood, MS 38930 - Google Maps
Friday traffic is a bear. Rain tends to slow stuff down. An accident and hang it up. Once drove home from OC to Carlsbad and some oil tanker rolled over and spilled near Pendelton. Hear it on the radio. Went to a 5:30 movie and chilled out until it was cleaned up.
Can you estimate how much time you spend in the car commuting round trip to work daily? None, take the train lol.
The train! In my early 20's post graduate did LIRR to Manhattan to cut my teeth in the corporate world. Man it as fun but getting to work was a job in itself.
We moved from Kokomo, IN to Fishers, IN a bit over two years ago since the wife works in Indy and her 1 to 2 hour commute one way and her $265 a month gas was getting to her. A year ago December we started looking for a new car that was going to pay for itself in mpg savings compared to her 2001 3.3 Voyager, which again was using over $250 a month in fuel costs even with a much shorter commute. If gas is $4 a gallon her Prius gas savings compared to the mini van is right at the $280 a month lease payments. We leased since we had no money at all and could not afford the extra $$ in financing a car. I know that leasing is the worst way to buy a car, but with our mpg savings it works great for us.