I am finally allowing myself to get excited now! We got the call last Friday that our 2006 Prius is on the boat from Japan. After reading some threads here, I called my salesman again today (for several reasons) and he confirmed it is on its way. We were iffy about the exterior color and had gotten to see all but the last color we were interested in. I tracked down one of those today and we saw it. We are happy with our original first choice that is coming! I just got off the phone with our credit union and we were approved for 2.9% financing (for the part we are financing). Thanks for those tips a month or so ago! The check and loan docs are being mailed to us and should arrive slightly before the car arrives. (I had the options of picking them up at a local branch or express mail, but didn't think either was necessary in this case.) That process was quick and relatively painless. LOL I'm getting good advice on selling my current car, too. Thanks there, too! What else do I need to do????? Oh, I need to figure out how I can fly to the dealership the moment the car arrives. LOL I told my husband I was planning to go over to the dealership as soon as our salesman called me. He laughed and asked what I was going to do with my (current) car. OOPS! I wonder if I can get the salesman to come pick me up??? LOL I'm just kidding, but.... Okay, I've rambled enough, but everyone else I know is not nearly as excited as I am and I know you guys can understand my excitement and enthusiasm! This is MY first NEW car (I've always purchased pre-owned) and it is the first car I have ever researched so much that I know WAY more than any salesman I have ever met! LOL Got any suggestions for me on what to do with myself for the next two weeks in order to not drive everyone around me absolutely crazy with Prius talk???? LOL Thanks for indulging me and for all the great advice here! Karin
What to do the next two weeks? Hang out with us, cut down on caffeine, go to the library and take out the last 3 months New Yorker magazines and read them! See if the dealer will lend you an owners manual to read BEFORE the car comes. Actually, he'll take it from another car (if he has one), you'll keep it, and he'll replace it when your comes. Most dealers will GLADLY dispatch a salesperson or a courtesy van to pick you up. Don't be embarrassed to ask. Don't worry about rambling and excitement. It's only electrons! We understand, and WANT you to be excited. Life's too short not to. h34r:
i can completely understand.. i am also more or less in the same spot...expecting mine this week...first new car too... i have been so excited that the only site i visit on the web now a days is PC... Gud luck with ur car and stay excited.. -sengs
Yeah the Prius was my first new car too. I think that was one of the reasons it was so exciting. Just ONE of the reasons though!
Let's see....study up on how to shut off the reverse beep so you can turn that darned thing off before you even have to hear it. Practice not reaching for the key. Decide if you want to trade in the OEM tires at Discount Tire and what kind of tires you want to replace them with. Find a good window tinter; the dealership probably knows one that will do it there. Practice not looking smug when people driving ordinary cars gawk. Also work on driving below the speed limit everywhere. That way, you'll get really good gas mileage right away. Scope out all of the good gas stations so you'll know where to get gas. You don't want any of the cheap stuff. That's all I can think of at the moment
Hee hee! I have been hanging out here a lot again since I found out the car is arriving soon. It is actually arriving sooner than we anticipated and I had drifted away for a bit in favor of more "urgent" tasks. I don't drink caffeine! It does horrible things to me and makes me WAY TOO HYPER! Why New Yorker magazines??? My poor salesman is going to go crazy with me in the next two weeks. Prior to now, I have not bothered him one iota. I guess it is time for him to "earn" his commission, eh? I will call him and ask for a manual and about the ride. I would really love that! I could actually sell my car before the new one arrives since I walk our daughter to preschool and work from home part-time. It would cut into our "fun" things, but it is not NECESSARY for me right now. Thanks Jack! I hope you get your Prius soon, too!!!!
Oh, another Jack with great ideas! I was highly annoyed with that reverse beep when we test drove the 05 and 06 Priuses. However, I recently read about Godiva's course of action to replace it with one that can be heard OUTSIDE the vehicle (and inside) and that actually sounds like a wise choice. If it is going to make noise, I think it should be warning people OUTSIDE the vehicle not so much INSIDE. I'm putting the car in reverse, I should know it is going backwards! LOL Not reaching for the key is going to be WEIRD!!! B) I think I will adjust, though... The first door I typically open is the rear door behind the driver's door (small child). Is this possible with SKS??? Tires: Hmm...do I really need different tires if I live in an area with little "weather"? San Diego hardly gets any rain let alone snow... What are the reasons for upgrading tires? Maybe I am missing something??? I think I will hit the ground running, so to speak, on the mileage issues. I had what I then considered an obnoxious vehicle that felt it needed to show me when to shift (4-speed) every single time. While I ignored it consciously, I know it taught me how to drive more efficiently. I get way better gas mileage than most people I know personally and my driving habits tend to be fairly sane compared to Southern California drivers I see daily. I certainly have room for improvement and definitely need to learn the nuances of driving a Prius, though. Can I really learn those without the vehicle??? I may need an education in "good" gas versus "cheap" gas. I generally avoid Arco, but it is only due to the surcharge for using my debit card. I am not particular, otherwise, but generally get gas at my neighborhood Mobil simply because it is exceedingly convenient. In the beginning, I will be driving the new Prius exclusively. However, it is ultimately going to be a shared vehicle and DH will be driving it to work 3-4 days a week. I have steered him to this site, but am not sure if he has visited yet... Thanks!!!
New Yorker because it's the best weekly literary magazine in the country. Essays, short stories, poetry and reviews of the arts. Sly cartoons, too. You don't need to worry about getting rid of your very average tires in San Diego, IMO. Just be sure to check (or have someone check) your tire air pressure regularly.
You'll either have to touch one of the touch pads to open the doors, or use the unlock button on the fob. That button can be set up to unlock all doors with one push. Having a small child myself, I highly recommend this setting! I can sort of understand the "security" of only having one door open at a time, but the convenience of having them all open the first time is what I'm after! This whole issue of which doors open when was beaten to death not long ago.
Burn CD's with mp3's and wma's. You can make folders on the CD's and choose which folder from which to play. So I have different folders depending on who's going to be in the car. Nice option since it'll display tag info on the screen.
Hee hee! The one techie thing I already have in my otherwise dull current car is a nice stereo/CD player with MP3 capabilities. I have been listening to MP3 CDs for a couple years now and have all my music on 6-7 CDs in my car. Boy, I bet the thieves who tried to steal my stereo (and failed) and took all my CDs were disappointed, though. Not an original CD in the bunch and they couldn't figure out this new JVC car stereo in my really old Corolla. LOL
Take a deep breath! Just got mine two weeks ago. Love every geeky minute of driving it. PC is a great source of info!
You probably don't need different tires and I noticed your location, but I threw that one in, what the heck. Mobil's pretty good. I don't know which gas stations are in California but Shell and BP are good too. There have been a few informative posts on this subject so I'd look them up.