My Plugin is only about 4 months old, but the EV mileage range is now down to 9.8 from 12.4 from the first very first day I charged it overnight. This with HVAC and fan off.
Mine is hovering around 11 miles in cold weather. It should go back up once it gets warmer. The EV range is an estimate based on your previous drivings. So, if you use more electricity per mile, the future estimates will be lower. To use less electricity per mile, drive it in slower urban traffic (30-40 mph instead of 60 mph on highway). Use regen brake wisely.... PHV battery can regen only 1/3 of the power when it is near full vs. when it is near depletion toward HV mode. Avoid EV-Boost (ICE running in EV mode) as the miles are not counted as EV. That raises electricity consumption per EV mile.
Mine started at 12.5 and is now at 10.1. However, I can get about 11.5 miles EV range despite the lower reading on the display.
I think that this is the latest of perhaps 3 threads on this recurring theme. I've read them with interest because mine dropped from the high 12's initially to about 8.8 miles this winter. I've found that as usbseawolf says its only an estimate, but I've noticed two specific activities that seem to have a great affect on the displayed number. First, I live on a rise with a climb of about 200 feet in only 0.2 mile. This not only causes the issue as others have reported of the ice starting when I start out downhill with a fully charged battery, but the climb in EV mode seems to reduce the calculated range. If I always go to HV mode when making this climb the readout will slowly change over days to the mid 9's after a charge. The second factor that I just noticed two days ago is that switching the climate control between Auto and Off makes an approximate 10 to 12% change. So I get to the bottom of the hill and I may have a reading with the heat on of 9.3 miles. By simply pressing the Off button it goes to 10.5. Turning Auto on again drops it back to 9.3, and it does not matter if the ice is running or the car is moving or anything else I've tried. If I only have about 3 miles of EV remaining then toggling the Auto climate control seems to have an affect of about .4 miles. I've also not seen this reported in the other threads.
There are lots of threads on this topic. It is all about where and how you drive - lots of stops/starts, hills, flat roads, etc. It all plays into your expected range.
You're not alone. Many of us are dreaming what the return of warm weather brings... more EV. I was one of the few lucky ones who got a plug-in a year ago, so I've already been through the seasonal cycle. It's pretty sweet watching what higher temperatures bring.
Thanks for the replies. I thought I was alone in this issue. I emailed Toyota as well, but I haven't heard anything.
now that you're here, do a bit of searching in the pip forum and you will find many complaints about this, all with the same answer. like you said, misery loves company.
I think we all new when it got cold EV range was going to drop alot from the cold. We just have to have something to complain about until it warms up! Soon! I hope.
Single digits today. EV range full charge at 7.5 miles today. Anyone beat that on the low side? Overall MPG still amazing.
For you and all others who post their personal EV range numbers it would be useful for these reading (now and in the future) that you provide some kind of context...What are the temperature and weather conditions like (I know you said single digits), what kind of driving (40 mph side streets, 70 mph freeway, a mix, etc.), all EV trips or EV + HV, uphill or downhill or flat, is the heat on, etc. Otherwise all this "data" is a useless as a bunch of thermometer readings without knowing the location and time of day. Mike
Are these just the range estimate or are folks experiencing significant changes in Wh/mile [when cold] ? 7.5 miles (Big Dude) on a full charge works out to something close to 400Wh/mile. The Tesla drivers doing the DC-Boston trip were getting 335Wh/mile (30F) including electric heating, for reference.
From wall to wheels I'm getting just over 200 wh/mile. My display shows about 13.0 miles on a full charge which calculates out to 208 wh/mile (2700 wh / 13 miles)...this should be the usable battery range number somewhere inside the moving average the PIP computer uses. From Chargepoint I see about 2.9 kwh for a full charge. But then the actual distance I can go is closer to 14 miles not the 13 2900/14 = 207 wh/mile. Mike
but your not one of the 10F people complaining about loss of range. in re-reading my post I should have clarified about the temperature conditions.
My EV estimate dropped from 13.4 back in October a low of 8.7 about 10 days ago My driving environment High temperatures January/February 20-30 degrees Commute & errands (<10miles rt) 90% suburban urban roads (25-45 mph) Hills Park in unheated garage home & work Charge at home & work Last week we had a couple of days with highs in the 40s EV inched up to 9.2 cold returned EV back down to 8.8 EV/HV ratio 67/33 Computer says 123 mpg