Dated a "gamer". He thinks "Mafia Wars" on FB is "real." Says he likes how everyone who plays is a "family" and "helps each other out." No wonder he blew a head gasket and broke up via a text.
Sort of related and just over-the-top (i.e. nobody here would do this ) Chicago woman charged after police say she bit off boyfriend’s tongue | Fox News
Scary stuff... at my nail appointment this evening the owner was talking about a serial attacker on Christian Mangle... Train approaching the station this evening.
Great, great date this evening!!!! Great conversation and company! And on a school night - I am going to need a LOT of coffee tomorrow...
Just to update everyone, I emailed my buddy a link to this thread. He responded that he is indeed still single and enjoying traveling - having visited 59 countries so far. I forwarded his email & contact info to OE for her to take the first step if she chooses. OE, I graduated from high school & college with this guy and we were roommates the last two years in college. I hold him harmless for introducing me to my 1st wife, whom I later divorced. He is one of the most intelligent persons I've ever known & has a lifetime of good stories. (Just remember to take any stories that involve me with a grain of salt.)
Thanks for the information. I appreciate it. Lots of coffee could not save me today. Was working on vectoring a complex piece of artwork for printing our campus banners (one of my many tasks at work) and after hours at the computer today I could not do another stroke of "electronic paint." Luckily got to leave early since I arrived early and worked through lunch but I would re-do last night again in a minute as it was tons of fun "closing the restaurant" last night with great conversation and good laughs.