Just finished test driving a 2006 package 5 and experienced some lower back discomfort after the drive. I have noticed this in some other cars I've driven. Do the seats get more comfortable or broken in over time? I don't think I can buy this car if this how my back is going to feel. Anyone else experience this in the begining? Thx...JGK
Yup, wheel needs to telescope and the seat needs more adjustment. I recline on long trips. But even with a bad back I have done Four - 500+ trips and on my second '05. I was loaned a corolla once and loved those seats by comparison. Do a search here and you will find too much info on seats. Someone found a lumbar support that looked good.
I fold up a hand towel and use it for lumbar support. It's small enough that it doesn't impact leg room and adds a lot to comfort.
In the 171 mi. maiden voyage home I was squirming several times and eventually put my jacket behind my back. This mod has to happen. I'm thinking of pulling off the front cover and adding a nicely shaped piece of foam in the lumbar area. Has anyone done this?
The seats haven't gotten more comfy for me in 4000 miles, and the lack of a telescoping steering wheel doesn't help. Toyota needs to fix this... I just figured all toyota/lower-priced cars have these seats, but the guy a few posts up said the corolla has good seats, so maybe it's just the Pri.
That was me. Here's the thread: Best Lumbar support ever. I'm short so the wheel is just perfect for me. I got in my Mother's Caddy and I couldn't believe how close the wheel was. It was really annoying. I was told that having the wheel almost an arm's length away was better for fatigue; race car drivers' wheels are almost that length away from them. I do believe that Toyota really needs to work on the seats. If they could really improve the seats without significantly raising the price they would really improve the selling points of the car.
Lumbar supports are good, but if you have back pain try walking an average of at least one mile per day.
Two of the biggest complaints, IMHO, have been the OEM tires and the seats. The tires you can replace, unfortuately it's harder to replace the seats (some have though). I don't have a problem with the seats, but I realize that comfort is very individualistic. Not good to spent so much for a car that you can drive only a short time without feeling pain.
I saw that thread and bought one. I used it for two days before removing it. It bumped out way more than I needed and I had to move the seat all the way back to the last stop to make up for how far it pushed me forward. I'm 5'10" with "normal" length arms and legs. Someone taller or needing the seat further back couldn't use it. Nice concept, just doesn't fit the Prius well or work for me. Next I tried one of those memory foam lumbar cushions (a small one). Works a lot better but I need to sew a strap on it to keep it in place as it is just a loose cushion. Mostly I just use the seat as is - my lumbar cushion is in the back seat if I need it on a long drive. - Tom
I actually have less back pain driving my Prius than I did on my 2003 Honda Accord Coupe. I can feel plenty of lower back support now. If it matters, I'm 6-2 and 210 lbs.