Hello all ; in fact , while iam reading about my brother JBL sound system , i found that JBL outperform Bose System easily , so while i and my brother and my friend having a sharp debate , my friend insisted that Bose is much better that the JBL , and i was shouting " No way " !! , so he bring a Nissan Alitma with a Bose sound system , and my brother bring his Prius with JBL sound system , and we play the same song on both car , the Bose seems much better , LOL , my brother face become dark red . iam common , is Bose really better than JBL ?!! , is there any custom equalizer for example we can do to improve the Prius JBL ?? Thanks Guys
It's all in the eye of the beholder. In general the stuff manufacturers put in cars is cheap tat. Buying it yourself is FAR cheaper. BUT.... as said in the caraudio community: an install is 10% equipment 90% install. And installing and setting up speakers and amps properly will cost you time, money, blood, tears and then some... Most specific systems rely very heavily on EQing, so using a factory amp on self installed speakers is a recipy for disaster. One example of saving money is BMW who uses 1ohm speakers. This means you don't need a switching powersupply to get 100W amplifiers. Just the same simple chip that's in a headunit (albeit a high current version).