Hi Guys, First of all what a great site!! I have read all the post I could over the last 3 months, even the international thread, read post from Aussie Prius owners from 3 - 4 years ago!! I have watch all the videos and read all the guides posted, so I can't wait to start put them in to action in my new Prius C. My story; Been saving up to buy a Prius C iTech, here in Perth Western Australia, been going to every dealer and looking through windows, sitting and playing. Today was the big day, I was ready! First time I bought a new car, (coming from a used 2000 Lancer Coupe), so I have been nervous as hell about going to a dealer and going through the sell. Went straight to the dealer near work (easier for when the car arrives and for servicing), salesman fantastic, I had a file with me (tip I got from here), so I think he knew I was serious. Went for a test drive (first test drive, I was avoiding the sale pressure situation). I knew what I want and with my research I knew the price I was looking at, I think they respected this, I was reasonable (they have to make money too) and so where they, so I bought. I was ready for a couple of month wait, but amazingly, the colour I wanted is on a boat due into Fremantle (our local port) in a couple of days and it was available. So should be next week So I am the proud new waiting owner of a, Prius C iTech, in Graphite. Weather Shields, Change the alloy wheels to the nice option we have here in Aus (see pic), inside illumination kit us well (salesperson hadn't seen 1, and I think they sound cool, so why not??), Tinting (I know get it done aftermarket, it was my plan but, they where so good to me and made me love the process, so I gave them that one) toyota factory extended warranty (I will have this car for 5-10 years, so I was happy for the piece of mind) Sorry for the long post but as a former lurker around the I loved reading these posts, so I hope someone does too. It allowed me to live through someone else!
Congrats! Makes me mad auto makers always give the other countries cooler stuff. Like for example my parents have a 2009 KIA Borrego and it gets things in other countries we didn't get here like headlamp washers and LED taillights.
Japanese have both of us beat! Wish I could get your moonroof, perfect for Aus, summer here most days 100F+ Sadly I found the ship on one of the ship tracking sites, due into port in a little over 24hrs. But this is Westeren Australia, or WA, meaning "wait awhile" will take them days to even think about unloading it
Welcome, good to see another Aussie c driver join the fold. The illumination kit isn't strictly a Prius c accessory but I've seen a few dealers advertising it on eBay as a generic kit. It looks cool (especially if it's the one that also provides illumination of the rear footwells as that's a bit of a sore point on the c. That said it also looks like waaaaaaaaaay too much work for a self-install (at least, I couldn't be bothered), so if you managed to get that included in the deal you were happy with, then kudos to you! I'm in two minds about the alloys - I have the stock alloys on the i-Tech and I do really like them but I would be the first to acknowledge they're a little... sedate. I like how "light" those optional alloys look... but they're just a bit too fierce looking for my tastes. Those spokes look almost like cutting shears.
Fierce is a good way to describe them, honestly for me, every cars wheels look the same, so it was about having something different. The dealer didn't have them so I haven't seen them, I love the pics, so I hope they look as good in real life!
Welcome to the site and enjoy your car when u get it. I love your city, was there doing some work for Aussie Post a few year back.
No sunroof? I feel bad That was one of the biggest things on my list! It was a must have! Glad I got it.
Kind of silly not offering the sunroof in Australia. I like the wheels. They do look kind of fierce. People will be calling you Messala
As soon as its in my hands I will post pics! According to marinetraffic.com the boat arrived a couple of hours ago. So hopefully early next week
So update on my Prius C. Ship arrived last Thursday, I was originally told worst case scenario was the end of this week eg today. Haven't heard anything. So rang dealer, apparently the salesman isn't in today, so the reception tried to put me through to his manager, he didn't answer and now is suppose to be calling me back (no call) I am getting worried as no1 wants to tell me what's going on and even if they have the car or not. I know that they received cars from the boat. In fact they received a Prius c which is listed on there website for immediate delivery. So I am waiting for a call. Any advise on what I should do? Thinking about going to dealer, I have to go kind of past there later today. Any ideas guys? Edit: Spoke to dealer, apparently it has been held up installing the sat nav (itech comes with it standard, so I am surprised this is being installed locally) they think they should have it today, so best case senerio is Tuesday evening, more likely Wednesday or Thursday. Bit annoyed that they didn't contact me to advise of the delay & I had to chase them!
I call partial BS. There is likely to be some pre-delivery work, but I'm dubious it would be the factory sat nav, that just seems way too inefficient. It's unfortunately a common practice for people in all kinds of customer service to just make stuff up where they either don't know or the reality is too complicated and they just say something that sounds convincing enough to make most people accept it. I suspect this may be at play here. For sure they should be better at communicating with you... but you can give your feedback to head office when they send you the post-delivery survey.
Post delivery survey will be interesting, quite looking forward to it!!! I blasted them on the phone when the manager rang me back and he said I should have been told earlier that there was a delay. Interestingly the boat since being in Perth last Thursday, has now been to, Adelaide, Melbourne & Sydney, so it moves quicker than them. I am in high end retail, we stuff up all the time (its the nature of what we do), so I am generally very forgiving, but its how you handle yourself when something goes astray that is important. Rob, you seem quite knowledgable in all of this, so this is the story I got. Came off boat last week, went straight to Kewdale (big industrial estate in Perth) where it has been sitting since waiting for the sat nav to be installed. He said this is taking longer and longer as everyone wants a sat nav. He then told me they will get it this afternoon as the sat nav only just got installed. I asked him why no1 called me to advise me of delay, he said he can't talk for my salesperson, but he will be back from training in a few hours, so he will talk to him and get him to call me (this call never came) So two questions, 1. Is it standard that Toyota ship the cars to Aus, with no sat nav (which is in the Prius c is also the radio & backup camera) then they get installed locally, away from the dealership before they even get to the dealer? 2. If it ever arrives at the dealer, is there anything you can think off, seeing as they have strung me along, that I should go over with a fine tooth comb? My concern is the car I ordered wasn't on the boat, now they have scrambled to get one from a another dealer. Odo obviously so I can see if its been used as a demo, anything else?? Thanks
Ha ha... no special knowledge. Just my own experience and reading a lot. Plus a healthy distrust of dealers (not that mine was this bad). With my delivery I only know bits and pieces - they sourced the car from another dealer, but exactly where it was and when, who knows. What I do know is that it was landed off the ship at Port Kembla six days before I bought it and I picked it up six days after I bought it. At that time it was missing the service book, the audio/navigation manual and the spare key fob (and the "key number plate" dog tag thing). They sent those through in an Express Post envelope I had to pick up at the post office where they whinged about it only being for documents and they could feel it wasn't just documents. Plus they hadn't put my or the car's details in the front of the service book. Had to call them to complain, to which they sent out an A4 printout that I had to cut and glue into the book myself. Pathetic, but no long term damage. When I picked up the car the salesman started trying to show me things but he had no idea... ended up letting me show him where the jack was (under the front passenger seat). Basically just check the car carefully for any visual sign of damage and check for the jack, the toolkit (next to the spare tyre), the spare tyre, the manual, the audio manual, service book, two key fobs and the key dog tag thing. I'd be shocked if there was a mismatch but probably also check the VIN matches the rego or other documentation (plus then you can check the manufacture date - which if your car did just come off the ship, should be 2013). Open the front passenger door and the label is on the B-pillar facing forwards. They will give you a delivery checklist for you to sign and will probably have every box ticked. Check it all (as much as you can) and if they've ticked something that's wrong (like for me the missing items were ticked off as being there), correct it or don't sign it. My odometer was 11km on delivery.
Some grabs from the 2012 (Australian) manual of things you want to see. The keys will vary in other countries for models without SKS. Keys: Note the mechanical keys should be kept in the fob... they come out like this: Location of jack, tyre and tools and note the three items that should be in the tool bag: Note the jack is well forward under the front passenger seat and hidden under a cover: Easiest place to check the VIN number:
Congrats! Looking forward to the pics. I like the wheels - anyone know the weight compared to the other alloys and the steels?
Thanks Rob for the info! Another update; So Saturday got a phone call from my salesperson, saying it was delayed as they where getting it from another dealer. Completely different from the excuse/reason I got from his manager the day before (installation of sat nav), but said it will be ready tuesday afternoon or worst case Wednesday. Kind of over it so didn't question the change in information. Just got another call from my salesperson (needless to say my eyes lit up when I saw the number on my phone), well its been delayed, apparently they are now waiting for parts to arrive, he wasn't specific on what parts (I did add a bit), so I see two possible reasons for this excuse 1. They are trying to buy time. 2. They only bothered to get the accessories, once they went to prep the car for delivery. All he said on the matter was it will take a day or so. No idea if that means a day or so from today, (eg Delivery tomorrow or thu, or if he is adding it on from Saturdays worst case scenario of Wednesday so Thursday or Friday). To be honest, I kind of just went ok, as I said early I am over it so wasn't expecting it anytime soon anyway, so I am just letting them give me the run around. I might be starting to have a bit of buyers remorse, I was so pumped but now just want the process done. On a side note my Shark Fin, should arrive today, so that might excite me a little bit.
So as expected phone call today (on the second worst case sernerio day) its now Friday. This time the excuse was we keep asking for parts, but we aren't getting them Salesperson annoyed me, asked how I was I said fine, to which he replied I was about to get even better, to which I replied its ready? He said no still waiting for parts and it will definitely be ready for the weekend. Like it was great news, when all he was really telling me was that it was going to be another delay. My sharkfin arrived yesterday, so that's all ready to go, atleast!!
Ah the sharkfin... do I or don't I? The stock aerial doesn't offend me. I'm not really keen to stick things onto my car. But the fin does look cool. I'm not sure how the rules work over there, but did you get an estimated delivery date on your paperwork or not? Probably not really much you can do about these small(ish) delays. I'll have my fingers crossed for you getting it before the weekend.
Personally I hate aerials, there is something about them!! First new car I have had so I got it to appease myself! On delivery, it isn't on the paper work. I have decided to let it go and let what ever happen happen. Working 9-9 today anyway, so that will keep me occupied