Or the squirrels are playing "chicken" with Prius drivers... "Aw, it's just a Prius. You won't get hurt..." (SPLAT!)
I've always wondered if these things actually work, anybody have anything factual or opinion-wise to say one way or the other?
We once lived along a rural lake (wonderful but the commute was horrible). In the cool morning dawns of the spring while leaving on the quiet private road, I would accidentally kill one or two small rabbits a week in our Honda Civic. It was a crazy dodge-ball scenario that occurred during their annual birthing season because they breed, well, like rabbits. But in the evenings on my return leg, there was never any evidence of roadkill. It helped soothed our conscience that some other animal got a nice breakfast.
I usually call them the "clean up crew" usually turkey vultures in my area. You can always tell when they spot a meal.... they start circling around.....