I have a 2011 Prius with the JBL sound system installed. Every time I turn the Prius on, and the system connects to my iPhone, it starts playing randomly selected music. I can pause it, but if I get a call or use Siri, and then finish the call, the music automatically starts up again. I need to leave the audio on because my iPhone's GPS plays via the Bluetooth audio. I cannot get directions, traffic warnings, etc without the audio on. I'm just getting tired of switching back to the audio screen, re-pausing the audio, every time I hang up a call, etc. Is there a way to tell the system not to auto play?
Many people have the exact same problem and to date, no one has found a way to stop the head unit from randomly requesting a Bluetooth linked device to start playing music. Seems to be a "feature". Is there anything you can do on your iPhone to make it ignore play requests over Bluetooth? On Android, there's a work-around where you can disable the "listener" in the music app that traps Bluetooth commands. Only works on rooted phones, but that's the only way I know how to stop this.
If I turn the nav unit to another audio source, say FM, before I turn the car off, it starts up on FM when I start the car and it doesn't start the Bluetooth on the iPhone in my pocket. If I happen to be listening to Bluetooth audio when I turn the car off, then when I start the car it starts either what I was listening to on my Voyager Legend earpiece or if I wasn't listening to anything, then to the last song I was listening to in my music collection on the iPhone. I can say for sure that with this method, turning on FM before turning off the car, the Waze messages come through the speakers without me doing anything, and interestingly, I'm usually on the Bluetooth phone and the other party cannot hear Waze talking to me.
Thanks, I suspected as much but figured I'd ask anyway just in case. I've checked iOS settings and cannot find anything like that, but I'll also run this past people on the Apple forums just in case. In the meantime I think I'll create a playlist with one, empty song in it and leave that up on the phone as default. At least then it'll play and stop itself. Thanks again!
Same vein: How do I get it to not play "other" sounds from my phone (i.e. incoming mail notification) when playing songs? Did not have that issue with my Hyundai, so am curious.
If the phone is on silent, it'll silence the sounds. Have you tried shutting off the iPod app on the phone? (double tap Home to bring up the multitask bar and then close the iPod app)
I hate it too, but because it is just a Radio, and so that's why the Radio just autoplays since that's how any car Radio basically works by just coming back on to the last station you had it tuned to. I totally agree that when you apply this same Radio instant on rule to a Bluetooth connected device, that it doesn't make any sense. But, the Radio unfortunately is just doing what a basic Radio does and tuning to the last played station which in this case is the Bluetooth station which sucks. I guess it is just something we'll have to live with since we would be more upset if the Radio did not come back on when we had the Radio set to a AM, FM, or Satty station. I agree with previous posters that the only way to stop it is to control it from the Bluetooth connected device by having a feature or app on the device stopping or preventing the connected Bluetooth device from autoplaying. I'm not sure if that can be done on an iOS device due to Apple's limitations, but Android devices have 3rd party apps that can intercept this Bluetooth autoplay request and then do whatever you want when it happens.
I guess? It's just the silver switch on the left side. I suppose I never noticed it as I rarely get SMS (usually text if I'm at home or out and about and not while I'm driving) and I don't have "Fetch" on for my e-mail so the chances of me getting an SMS while driving is low and thus the chances of an iPhone alert coming through the speaker is low.
funny I cant even get my bluetooth audio to work with my Prius lol. It's connected but no sound is coming out.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but this is where Google sends you when you're looking for a solution to this problem. This was really frustrating when my 2011 Prius Three connected to my Nexus 4 (Android), and I finally found a solution on it that doesn't require root. There's an app called Bluetooth connect & Play that you can get here: Bluetooth connect & Play - Android Apps on Google Play You can either select a specific music app to start, or just make the phone completely ignore the play command the car sends. I'm not sure of an iPhone specific solution, but imagine someone would have made a similar app for iOS. Hope this helps.
Thank you! I'm going to have to try this. Bluetooth + Autoplay with the JBL is extremely frustrating.