I love my job in a coastal NE town (in the summer when I leave work if the wind is blowing right I can smell the salt air from the ocean) and have today off! Happy Monday!
I retired in 2002. I work 4 days a week just to keep myself busy. I can quit anytime. And did on a client that did not pay for 12 months.
I used to love my job. Now I only like it. It's been 5 years and it doesn't look like there are any promotion aspects. I like what I do bit I'm still doing the same thing 5 years later and it's wearing thin.
I am happy to say that I have always enjoyed what I do and the people that I work with. Mondays are never a problem for me. I also plan to enjoy my retirement in 2.5 years.
During the winter just Sat and Sun off are fine, not much you can do outside with 3ft of snow and 15deg temps- so work on Monday is OK with me. During the summer there's so much to do on Long Island (especially when you own a boat and a Jetski) that you need that extra weekday off just to enjoy living here. I save some of my vacation time/sick days to take Mondays off from late June thru labor day that way I have 10 or 11 three day weekends during the summer
With the economy the way it is, I refrain from taking days off unless necessary. I try to save up near the maximum just in case of a layoff because I can take my vacation with me. I'm fortunate enough to like my job so I would prefer to work anyway. It's just terrible coming back from even one day off and finding out nothing was done while I was gone. It's enough that I'd rather not take any time off. But I know I need to balance stress with work. I let DW put her foot down when the time comes.
I follow the same rule of thought... went to work under the weather a few weeks ago and realized I could not finish the day beyond my first 15 minutes (thanks to a coworker brought the flu (confirmed by her doc) and stomach bug (thanks to her cherubs) to work a few days earlier) but got credit for trying to make it to the line...
I'll be honest can't wait. Every day would be like a weekend. Get up, 3 mile walk, lunch with friends, out at night for my favorite places, week end get aways, Sign me up.
Our labor rules are: within a week - we can shift hours as needed as long as we log 40 hours within a two-week pay period - we can 'bank' hours from the first week to use in the second week working a holiday - these are banked until Jan 31 to be used as needed Under a better set of labor rules, uncompensated overtime up to some finite limit, say 40 hours, could be added to the vacation hours. Then a maximum carry forward at some fixed interval, life would be good. Bob Wilson