Damn, I bought mine cause I like the look and wanted to save some money on gas. I didn't want to save the world with it. I hope there are not more out there like that!!!!!
Yep. DoPeY5007 is quoting from thoroughly debunked junk "science" that STILL refuses to die. More at Environmental - Prius Wiki. DoPeY5007: please post reputable sources to back up your claims. Your reasoning is WAY off. See above.
Well I don't have it anymore. It was murdered by a land Rover. . . be for that however it was a GREAT "car" more like a smallish SUV with tiny wheels and lowered. Could fit everything and anything in it. Pretty regularly had 3 full sized car seats in the seat and my dog in the trunk area (hatchback so not really a trunk). Oh and my dog is a Great Dane.
If you can refute the facts in the Pacific Institute link referenced above, please do.I would especially like to know who funded the CNW study.
Hummer is out of Business. It is a new world now. People in business and in family budgets are looking to drive costs down. The people with very few exceptions are all about driving cost out of the equation. The Hummer was a car for a different time. We now have raising gas prices, raising taxes, inflation, health care costs increasing, companies squeezing benefits entitlements and enimic wages. Times they are a changing. Sure I still take that 1 week vacation that costs about $4,500. But cars they are different they depreciate. The guy driving the gas guzzler today either needs the car for his business or he is looking for a car that gets better fuel economy. The hummer was for an era long past.
That's entirely uncalled for - there's no good reason to rank on someone just because they drive a vehicle you don't happen to approve of. I hate H1s and H2s (not so much H3s) too but I don't dis their owners with open contempt. That's highly uncivilized and unbecoming.
My wife said you want a hummer, I said no it's a gas guzzler, and she laughed no the other kind silly.
Clearly with a user name like Dopey, your ability to understand the difference between the amount of fuel used at a rate of 8mpg vs. a rate of 50mpg over the lifetime of the vehicle is severely challenged. Of course maybe Dopey gets paid by oil industry lobbyists to troll the web promoting corruption and stupidity to help ensure oil company profitability?
The H3 in the picture is just a Chevy Colorado pickup running gear with a different body bolted on. It is rated to get the same mpg that my Honda Pilots get. About 20 mpg mixed driving. Also, maybe just maybe the owner has a need for a vehicle that can tow a trailer. I love my Prius C but why all the hate for a rather average truck/suv?
Don't know what you're referring to and we don't know the H3's model year and engine but from Compare Side-by-Side, none of them is rated even 20 mpg on the highway, let alone combined. When Consumer Reports tested the H3 w/5 cyl engine and automatic, it got 14 mpg overall, 10 city/20 highway. The Most Fuel-Efficient Cars | Best Cars for Gas - Consumer Reports and The Most Fuel-Efficient SUVs | Best SUVs for fuel economy - Consumer Reports helps gives those numbers some context. At least it wasn't an H1 and H2 which were exempt from fuel economy testing (and counting against GM's CAFE numbers) due to their GVWR being >8500 lbs.
I disagree with the way that woman handled herself with the prius and there certainly isn't a reason to leave a nasty note with the H3. At the same time, I don't think its OK to pretend like its OK to not care about the environment. Everyone is at a different level and attacking them will not change their mind. We can feel very smug driving our prii around, but none of us are perfect. I mean eating meat creates a huge amount of pollution and we don't see vegetarians throwing fits at chilli's. P.S. my wife is making me be a vegetarian, I miss it!
Thanks for keeping it light hearted JDM. Let's be real people...THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CAR. From mining the materials to make one, all the way through to recycling, it pollutes and burns natural resourses...all of them. Some burn less fuel, but in the big picture...this is nothing. Do we want to go back to the days of horse and carriage. Then we pollute to make the carriage and the fumes from the horse waste kills the ozone. Let's stop taking ourselves so self-righteously serious with thought that driving a Prius makes us better than someone who does not. It's just a car that costs less to fuel, but more to make and own. Just enjoy what you like, and let others enjoy what they like. Jeeeez... There was a reason I posted that video. Peace out.
Have to agree. We bought a Prius to save fuel and money. The Prius can't do other things well, so we also have a small 4 cyl Frontier truck, since we live a ways out of town, to lug things like pellets for our wood stove and anything that weighs a lot or takes up a lot of room. Don't use the truck unless we need to and its now 15 years old and doing well. Anything we do impacts the planet in some way... just breathing makes co2! We should all try to learn to live in a way that produces the smallest impact possible. That takes thought, research and some work at times. Not everyone is willing to invest time and sometimes even a bit of discomfort to achieve it. Getting angry at someone, like that lady in the video, will do nothing to improve any situation. I know people that start their vehicles in cold weather and let them warm up for 20 minutes so they don't have to wear a coat on their commute to and from work. To me, that's pretty wasteful and very expensive, but people do it without thinking how much money they are burning in expensive fuel just to make heat that would normally be produced in 5 to 10 minutes of actual driving time. If you did that regularly, it would add up to quite a bit of fuel, and at 3.70 or so a gallon it eventually piles up to be a significant expense. We have a retiree breakfast get together on Wednesdays at a local McDonalds (their choice, not mine!) and I attend once in a while to visit and chat with the folks. I've watched drivers in all sorts of vehicles in line for the drive through for as much as 25 to 30 minutes during the breakfast rush. It gets busy there. They could have parked, come in, ordered breakfast, eaten it inside the building, and been on their way in about the same amount of time that their vehicles were idling in the drive through line. I don't think these people are really thinking about this. Even 10 minutes at idle in line is pretty expensive in some cars, especially over time. There are so many ways to save money, like on errands, go to the farthest location first to warm up the engine fully and then work your way back. Or checking tire pressure. Or keeping your car as light as possible by not using it as a storage bin. Just takes thought. I combine those Wednesdays I go into town for breakfast with grocery shopping and errands. Takes a little planning, but works out pretty well. Don't get angry. If someone wants to waste money, remember it's their money. Hopefully they can afford it. As fuel gets more expensive, conservation will become more widespread. That's already happening in a big way! I see a lot more fuel efficient cars on the road now than I did 5 years ago. That's a good trend.
I think everyone understands that any car has some impact. Just as living does. What gets most environmentally conscious people's hackles up is not big trucks, it is waste. Why waste energy, in the form of oil, when you don't need to? Oil is a miracle of biological and geologic processes. Yet we waste it by driving around in two or three ton gas gulping vehicles to get groceries? If you need a big vehicle for work or life, great, go for it. If you don't, then you will have to answer to your kids when they ask you why you wanted to leave the world in worse condition for them than your parents left it for you.