Hello! After searching and reading, I still have not found the answer to this question: Is it possible to set codes ( such as killing the reverse beep) from a "console" in an OBD II program on a laptop? I haven't found a good explanation of the messages/codes used in scangauge or Torque - and I don't have either of those. What I have is a free program that runs on a laptop, OBDWiz. Thanks!
Hi chuckg3, Besides SGII or Torque, you can also try this program developed by Jerry if you have the ELM327 cable. 2010 - Help! Disabling Reverse Beep | Page 9 | PriusChat Vincent
good answer, there. I think I found the answer I was hoping for a few posts on down: Read more: http://priuschat.com/threads/2010-help-disabling-reverse-beep.62494/page-10#ixzz2L6rT5MVD Rather than a "let somebody else do it" I was hoping to learn how for myself, even perhaps putting together a little gadget using a microcontroller. I know, I know, reinventing the wheel and all, but it amuses me!
It worked! I am tempted to drive around the block in reverse just to celebrate! In case somebody ends up here after a search, this is what I found: using OBDWiz software, navigate to the "console" screen. You enter commands in the little box at the top, replies from the car show up in the big black box. Type the following: AT H1 AT L1 AT SP 6 AT DP AR CAF1 AT SH 07C0 (( possible you may have to drop the lead zero, if OBD responds with ? type AT SH 7C0 )) (( these codes are from your laptop to the OBD adaptor, telling it how to talk to the car. These all start with AT for attention, which is an ancient tradition started by Hayes modems Next we talk to the car)) 21 AC (( car replies with mumbojumbo, should end with a 00 if beep enabled )) 3B AC 40 (( tell car to turn off beep. might be some reply )) 21 AC (( ask car agin, should end with 40 to say beep disabled. My car had same response as before disable)) ....And, that is all! two minutes if you type slowly.