Okay, so your point IS...we should buy inferior products as someone else said. You should love this. Toyota is entering NASCAR :lol: sorry, but the link does'nt work...but it was on the internet, so it's true.
With my pruchase of a Toyota; I saved General Motors $1,227 or, I saved Ford $139. http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.htm...DA10894DD404482 I will also save myself a bunch of maintenance/repair cost over the long life of my Prius. It's a WIN/WIN/WIN situation.
Not true. the helath care and pension cost for GM are over $2500 per vehicle. Every sale helps spread out those costs. You are off on maintenance and I ould bet off on repairs.
It will be interesting for them if they go ahead with NASCAR. They treid marketing their Tundra with Darrell Waltrip and it was an utter flop. Marketing Toyotas to that crowd will be like marketing Corvettes to the PC crowd.
I almost think he's joking. It's just that not many people on this website take you seriously. I don't know how old you are, but your trade xenophobia has been around forever. The "Japs" were taking over America with yen, what they couldn't to with war in the 1980's. I read somewhere you sell these cars, so good for you. Tell your supplier to give you a product that is worth my money.
What is xenophobic about trying to even the playing field when it comes to trade. do you really think that most of that crap sold at Wal-Mart can be manufactured in china, shipped across the Paccific Ocean and sold cheaper than it could be made here or even Mexico? Of course not the Chinese govt is artificially lowering the cost ot produce. In purely econmic terms, it is a win for consumers in the short run but a huge loss in the long run.
why do you keep talking in circles, Malorn??? Start answering the questions. I am really tempted to call you an idiot. But I won't....
they'll enter the camry in 2007, they just made it official. funny how many handicaps they have compared to the rest of the brands that race.
Its ok I have been called much worse, i am a car dealer after all. What questions have I not answered?
Mike you are a doctor. How do you feel about a single-payer healthcare system? My wife's grandmother is very active in a group promoting a single-payer health care system. The group is 'excited' about the prospect of GM and ford declaring bancruptcy. A Gm/ford bancruptcy would leave at least 1.85 million Americans without health insurance and almost surely force the governments hand concerning health insurance. I know all of you think this loss of manufacturing jobs won't really affect you, but it will.
I don't feel anything about single-payer. I live in Minnesota and I think it is the closest thing we have in the US to universal healthcare. We have the lowest uninsured rate in the U.S. I'm an employee...my salary is $xxxx if I see 2 patients a day or 30. I couldn't tell you who is on state assistance or not. To practice medicine in MN you have to...by law...be a non-profit company. That's why United Healthcare is headquarters here in MN, but they don't provide one cent of healtcare in this state. I also think it is the BEST place to practice medicine I have ever seen or heard. And...I buy Toyotas with the money I make(feeble attempt to get back on topic).
I hope you'll be sure to cite the number of jobs being created in San Antonio, TX by the new Toyota plant being built there.
San Antonio plant will employ about 2,000 salaried and hourly workers. I am glad that Toyota is 'creating' jobs in the US! At least were right back on topic!
So the federal government running the health care industry would have no effect on the industry in MN? I guess if you are only making $xxxx it might raise your income.
We see a lot of people from the Ford plant that makes the Ranger. You talk about "leveling the playing field". Two years ago the Ranger was deductible as a business expense. However, the US goverment increased the vehicle weight for that business deduction and the Ranger was no longer eligible as it was below that weight. Sales plummeted. Even though that plant was spared closing this week, everyone here knows it's a matter of time. Anyway, Toyota, Honda & Nissan had nothing to do with that change in the law, nor did anyone at PC. Your US goverment did. You scream at us about Toyota's unfair practices, but this government decided the Ford Ranger wasn't worth a simple tax deduction.
I'm saying that I don't know what effect it would have. Frankly, the healthcare system here doesn't need fixing, it's fine here. If I had to guess, I would bet my income would go down if the feds stepped in.
Actually I think the Ranger plant is slated to be closed. As for the government and industry, how about the governments tax deduction for owning a vehicle made wholly in another country? Makes great sense doesn't it!