i once saw a picture of someone using a bungee cord with two hooks to use the middle 2 vents to mount an iPad over the stereo.
Most any car stereo installation place will put something together for you... Also just pick out an Ipod case that matches your interior and then velcro or glue or bolt that case to your dash in the most convenient place. More to the point simply type into Google "Ipad Prius" you'll get a half-dozen you tube videos of people who have done this as well as lots of other options. You also can do an image search to see even more ideas.
I'm almost finished with an install of an iPad mini, sub, amp, and new front and back speakers. I'll post som pics on Tuesday.
I have a seat mount from RAM Mounting Systems, Inc. which I had in my 2005 Prius since it installs by just using the bottom bolt holding the seat. I haven't tried putting it in my new 2013 yet since the 2013 has the center console compared to the 2005, but Ram Mounts has a lot of different options for all types of tablets. GT-P7310 ? HD
This place does it: Photos and info — Soundman - Home of the iPad mini Car Install Here's a video of it, they build a special mount and you can slide the ipad in and out whenever you want. iirc it's on a Gen II Prius, but it's custom built so they can make one for your car.
Here are some pictures of my iPad Mini in my car using a cd mount and the Hertz component speakers I put in the rear. The rear speaker install was very easy. The 6.5" woofer replace the factory speaker using he existing bracket. I had to grind out the bracket a little to make it fit. The tweeters look almost factory. There was a space behind the door in the upper right corner that was a perfect fit for the crossover. I use both a iphone 5 in the car as well as the iPad mini. I wanted the music playing from the iPad mini to fade out when a call came in and fade in when the call terminated. The factory head unit can only pair with one device at a time. So Inneded another solution. I used a Blackberry Stereo Gateway bluetooth adapter plugged into the aux. port and paired the iPad with that and paired the iphone 5 with the factory units bluetooth. This works perfectly! I left the original speakers in the dash and replaced the front doors with 6x9 Hertz HCX-690.
It doesn't bounce at all unless I hit a big bump in the road. The part that inserts into the cd player is made of dense rubber so it will give nicely if bumped.
Awesome, nothing annoys me more than my phone bouncing and buzzing round when I'm driving and I can't see the screen
Interesting. Who makes that? Can it be turned so the tablet is below rather than above? I just came upon this cd mount today. This one works for me since I just want to cover my existing unit but it doesn't look as sturdy as that one, although this guy has a video up of him driving over a bumpy road for a while and everything remained intact.
The part of the unit that holds the iPad is on a slider. So it can be lowered or centered or rotated to adjust how you want. I prefer to have it raised so I can easily access both screens.
The mount is called xenomix NX4000. here is a link to ebay where I got it. Xenomix CD Tablet SHG NX4000 Car CD Player Slot Mount Holder for Navigation | eBay