I just had to share. I am in the negotiation stages with dealers for a 2012. So far Carwoo, Truecar, and Edmunds have been great sites and resources. I hadn't even heard of Carwoo until I came over here. At this rate, I'll probably have a car before the weekend. It is funny because I never thought I would buy a new car, but the price for a used Gen III Prius is so close to new, I can't resist. So far phone and email negotiations have been pleasant and very few dealers have treated me like an idiot, I hope it stays so when we actual go in to close the deal. Any sage words of advice are appreciated. My husband wants the back up bell disabled and the satellite antennae removed - I think those are reasonable additional dealer requests. Oh and I eventually want to get leather and heated seats. Should I wait until we reach a settled price for the car itself and then ask for an aftermarket leather/heat quote? Thanks for the help folks.
Finally reached a mutually agreed upon price. This is my first new car and I have never bought from a dealer before. It is exhausting and I did most of it over the internet. Ugh, I never want to negotiate again. Tomorrow we sign on the dotted line. Ended up with 2012 III with solar sun roof, as the hubs wanted the navigation and I wanted the sunroof. Getting Katzkin leather and heat too.
Wow, nice price for a III with aftermarket leather. Places around here are quoting $1200 for just leather and an additional $500 for heaters.
I actually had a slightly better deal, but I decided to stick with our local neighborhood dealer. They didn't try any crap with us either. I was waiting for the moment I had to say, 'no, no, no we didn't agree to that'. It didn't happen. I am very pleased so far. We pick her up Monday. And for the record they quoted us $1400 for the leather and heat. I only was able to negotiate it down because of you all sharing what you paid.
And now she is mine all mine. I love it and am so glad I splurged for the sunroof. Winter gray was a perfect choice for us too. Leather will be installed Friday. Pictures to follow.