From the Toyota website: XM Satellite radio allows you to listen to what you want when you want. Featuring radio controls integrated into the vehicle audio head unit. XM Satellite Radio offers access to a nationwide net-work of over a 150 digital channels of music, news, sports, weather and traffic. 67 music channels are 100% commercial-free. Available April 2006. Does anyone have more details on the cost of this upgrade? If I purchase a Prius sooner, can I add the option on later?
Good question about installing this option after delivery on Prius purchased today. I have XM in my present car and I definately can't go back to regular radio when I pick up my Prius. I guess I'll just have to listen to my iPod. BUT, as soon as I can get XM integrated into the existing system (don't want to have to put another head unit on my dash) so I can use steering wheel controls, etc. I will do it. Hopefully this will be the case.
btesar, I have not heard anything on availability yet. You can get intergrated XM and Sirius solutions now... but you will lose a little bit of fucntionality. Specifically, your screen will be limited to 10 character artist/title displays. Like Dripps, I really want satellite radio and it is huge step backwards not to have it in the Prius. I suspect that the XM will cost under $500 to install, but I have not seen anything official. Rather than use my iPod (along with the cords) as an iterim device... I am burning a few MP3 CDs to keep in the changer. At reasonable quality comression rates... I can get over 100 songs on CD. Of course, I can always use my iPod, and I bought the interface cables, but I really dislike the clutter of wires. As an interesting side-note... Since I bought my Priis (and stopped driving the Jeep)... my wife has stopped driving her BMW Z4, and has been driving my gas guzzling Jeep instead. Even though the Z4 is a ton more fun to drive than the Jeep... she has been choosing the Jeep because of satellite radio. /Jim
I asked this same question on another thread and received the following reply: "Yes - According to My Dealer Sounds like the March XM Radio option will be available for all 2006 Prius with the Type I (JBL) sound system." I'm more interested in where the antenna will be. A friend of mine got a VW Beetle and it's XM antenna is a round thing on top of the dash. It doesn't look too bad. I don't like the XM antennas that sit to the side or don't look built in.
I recently purchased a 2006 Prius with the Type I sound system - great vehicle! The sound system has a selection for Satellite radio - but it is not reday out of the box. Per Toyota's website - available in April. I have contacted my dealer re price for the upgrade - they know nothing about it! I know more from reading this site than their Prius expert on staff does. They quoted me $550 installed - but when I described my Sat-ready unit - they were perplexed. I can't see spending another $500+ when the unit is already Satellite ready! Anyone have any addl info? I'l try writing to Toyota directly.
Well I paid $400 to have my XM installed -- perhaps it's not the same radio Toyota will be releasing for the Prius in April but I have it NOW and it's integrated and it is Toyota unit (think they put these in Solara). Works great -- when I look at song and artist title it only displays 10 characters which is only negative -- but we don't know if the one they are releasing is any different.
The new unit is not supposed to have the 10 character limitation. I had the integrated unit in my 2005, and while being integrated is great, I can live without it and use my MyFi until the new unit comes. I will put that in my 2006. I did not mind the 10 character limitation at first, but to me it became more annoying over time.
I'm looking to install the integrated XM unit now. Does anyone have any suggestions for an installer in Southern California cheaper than $600? That's what I have been quoted by one local dealer. I don't want to rip apart the dash and do a self install, but I don't want to spend $600 either. Thanks.!
Al & Ed's on Hawthorne Blvd. in Lawndale did mine, and I also saw them working on another Prius. Make sure you have the installer who has experience with Priuses do it. I think his name is Vic.
Thanks. Al & Ed's price to me, with tax and installation, was nearly $600 also. Did you pay less? Thanks.
I think it was in the $500+ range. If your estimate was from a different place, you might call Lawndale to see if they will give you a firm price over the phone.