Like most others that I've read about on here my EV has gradually dropped from 14.xx until now that I read 9.8 miles each morning. My theory is that it's based on average mph over the lifetime miles of the car, .... not how we drive, how we accelerate, how we fart, etc. I'd like to see how everyone's max mph/miles driven matches up to this theory. I'll start it off. Miles on car ................20,500 (Rounded Off) Average Speed since new, according to "B" which I leave alone. 46 mph. Please post yours.
can you show how the equation works out to 9.8? thanks! unfortunately, i don't save a or b, just ev ratio.
Sorry, I wasn't clear. My EV range on the display after charging reads 9.8. But according to my theory the slower average MPH should result in higher EV range. RBooker's result shows so far that my theory isn't correct.
Temperature plays a big role in how much energy the battery can hold. So those responding might want to include their geographical area and if possible, temperature. Weather (snow or rain), makes a big difference as well, obviously.
For the 20,500 miles, what does your EV Driving Ratio screen look like? Using the numbers there, we can calculate how much electricity per mile you are using.
My range started out around 13-14 last Nov. and dropped to around 9.5 with freeway speeds. After changing route to work and lowering commute speeds to around 35-40 mph my range came back up to 12.5. All in how you drive and how much energy per mile is expended. Prob will improve as spring and summer get here... So far have 3500 mi on car.
Since March 14 last year, I've driven the same route Mon-Fri. My estimated EV started at 13.3 in March, down to 10.8 in May, rose to 12.1 through the Summer, and dropped thru the Winter to 9.4 today. So OA Temp has a lot to do with it, since my driving habit hasn't changed.
one thing i know for sure, it's pretty accurate. when it was reading 16.something, i was getting 16-17. now that it's reading 12, i'm getting 12-13.
I just went out and looked. Life of the car .... 10% EV and 90% HV. And this morning my estimated EV range was down to 9.6 and after getting home today and charging again, it was 9.6 again. I think you guys are right about the temp being important.