Ok the xm interface has 3 wires coming out of it 12v batt, ground and Acc do you think the 12v batt and ground should be hooked up to the 12v bat and ground coming out of the head unit and the Acc to some wire that is hot on engine starting .Sent email to ottonavi there are no instuctions what so ever for the xm interface part of the radio Thanks for any help.
Normally yes; these *extra* wires are for adding external units like CDC or TV. Should work. You can always install the unit and test the output first with your meter if you want to make sure. You can also splice the wires directly from the white harness too if you want. Should work also.
White harness the one in car do you know which one would work for the ACC wire wonder why they have 2 hot wires that is the 12v out of the head unit alway hot and the Acc is a trigger.any ideas as where to mount the interface and the xm tuner think the factory one is buit into the head havent had the unit pulled yet hopefully Saturday
If I had to do it I would put all the new stuff underneath or behind the new radio; there's plenty of space.
Put the head unit in last night and today there were metal brackets on both sides of opening zip tied the sirius and interface to them put a piece of foam in between them and the metal to help with rattles . had to pull unit back out when I couldn't get the xm to work no signal had it hooked up with factory sat antenna with that $68.00 cable with SFA12F cable. Put in the antenna that came with the tuner put on back roof had to tear all the plastic up again works anyway would have looked better if i could have used the factory antenna .The GPS isn't very good called N drive even says it a trial has screen come up says to initialize haven't done that it works should i do it?.Put my backup cam in the rear bumper flush painted it to match car can't hardly see it just a eyeball the video cable from another cam had a extra wire on it to use as trip wire worked out well pulled weather strip up on back of hatch used clothes hanger hook the wires then over to a big rubber plug by the spare tire pretty easy really then tapped into the backup lite hate working with those very small wires on the cams. Cam came with drill bit for hole that was the most scarey part of the job there is a pretty big empty area to drill the hole would be very bad if drilled to low
Wow; lot of work... Factory antenna: really too bad. There must be an adapter or something that would let you reuse it... GPS: yes; it has to be initialized first; go to its Settings and look for Detect Com port or something like that. I'm surprised it's not iGO. But you can always install any GPS software you want.... Go check gpsunderground.com!
Have problem the Ndrive gps when it talks my xm changes channel everly time, Turn the sound off it doesn't do it I called ottovani today they want me to video it. I think i just need to use a different kind of gps and see what it does where are some good instuctions on how to install it on the card.Is the gps the only thing on the sd card?
gpsunderground.com should have it; basically it's just copying the files on the SD card and running the exe file if I remember. And yes, originally, it's only the GPS on the card; but you can add tons of stuff on it later if you want.
If that doesn't work I am going to take that 12v wire from the interface that i used the with one on the head unit to another 12v wire maybe the sound muting is stopping power to that wire for second causing the channel to change.
I think that one 12v wires has to be hot all the time what other reason would they have two hot wires that why one says ACC on iti think that is causing my problem sent email to ottovani you get no instuctions on hooking up the interface wires.How can I find a hot all the time wire need some help here guys
I'm not sure if your problem is related to those wires after all. I mean red goes on red (ACC: hot only when car is on ) and yellow goes on yellow (12V Battery; always hot). And it doesn't matter normally if you take the wires coming out of the radio or if you splice the harness from the car. Should be the same... I haven't tested it on the Ottonavi but that's normally what you get. Did you test with a voltmeter to see if one of those wires goes low when GPS starts talking? How exactly did you connect those wires finally? Now, do you have an iPod or iPhone connected? Because looking at the picture from Ottonavi it sure looks like they are *sharing* this connection for sound. So one possibility is that the software is shutting off sound from the iPod (because it thinks it connected) but somewhow it is shutting off also the sound from the XM Tuner. If you do have an iPod connected, disconnect it and redo the test. (After all, you shouldn't use the iPod if you are listening to XM...)
Haven't tried I pod yet I used the 12v out of the head unit for the yellow one I think its cut off power when the gps talks it does lose saved stations on xm also .Going to put it on a different hot all the time wire hope that fixes it going to put primo on it this weekend also.
changed wire 12v wire to the yellow one on harness no change I put Igo Primo on a 8gb class 4 card and installed it this morning works fine but if I start xm comes up with message saying low on memory says to shut down some programs and reconfigure memory and locks up if I start xm first they both work most of the time blue tooth wasn't on still changes channel when gps talks only once goes to first preset and stays there unless you change it when will change to first preset when gps talk or put it into reverse it cam does it also MUTE sound does it. I am thinking it is a memory problem I think that's why it had the ndrive gps on it to start with.
Ottonavi sent me a update 291.7 helps the XM still changes channels when gps talks changed the look of the FM radio and am still getting out of memory messenges they are still working on the problem
My unit is working much better I installed the small Igo8 and unplugged the xm unit for a minute not getting any out of memory messeges any more.I think unplugging the unit fixed it guess. I shouldn't have done both at the same time.Still changes the channel goes back to the channel it was on when started up when gps talks or the reverse cam comes on. All you have to do is put it on the channel you want to listen to exit the xm and start it back up it will stay there though about getting a new tuner to try and see if that fixes it.