Hi All, I've noticed that when I'm stopped, or in park, and I push on the brake pedal hard I hear a squeak or chirp that sounds like it's coming from the wheels. It might even sound like someone is honking at you as if you were not going when the light turned green. I have not been outside the car when this occurs, so I don't know exactly where the sound is coming from. Is this normal? If it's not, any possibilities? When I bought the car (used), the dealer listed a brake adjustment on the maintenance that was required before they sold it. Other than the squeak, the car seems to brake and drive fine. Maybe... just maybe I get more shudder when coming to a stop than other Prius owners, but that might be me just making something up. Thanks for your help. Skyler
There are audible warning tangs on the front brake pads that will make a noise when the pads are ready to change. This only happens if your moving. How many miles has your car done and does it make the noise when stationary? John (Bitprius)
Sorry just reread your post and your say the noise is there when stationary. This can be caused by air in the brake system. Do not try to bleed the brakes yourself!!! take it to a dealer or Prius specialist as this is no simple task. If this does not cure the problem the brake actuator should be changed. There are many posts on here about this subject try doing a search on "brake barking". John (Briprius)
Interesting thought, John. It actually only happens when stationary, but with 120,000 miles on it I don't know if the pads have been changed. I'll check the thickness and get back to you.
Hmm, brake bark, thanks for the term that I can search for. Is the chirp caused by air going through the ABS orifices? Just curious about that. If I had access to Techstream do you think I could bleed them myself? Skyler
Its air bubbles going through the orifices in the brake "actuator" (simulates hydraulic pressure when you step on the brakes). The "bark" or "chirp" gets exaggerated at altitude (low air pressure). Mine was fixed by a brake bleed at the dealer. JeffD
Yes if you follow the instructions within Techstream, this is I understand a two person job. John (Britprius)
Thanks John. One last question. If the bark doesn't get any louder or more frequent, is it critical that I get the brakes bled? I'm really just trying to asses the urgency of the repair. Skyler
The noise does not appear to cause any other problems so I would not call it urgent, but to be on the safe side keep a close check on the brake fluid level just in case there is a small leak in an area that could draw in air, unlikely but possible. If the level does go down get it fixed! There was a TSB for this "do not know if it's still in force" check with your dealer. John (Britprius)
My car does this. It started about 8,000 miles ago just before my car hit 100,000. I took it to the dealer to do the regular checkup that is in the passport. Of course the guy said that would only cost me more money and that this this and this would need done. One of which was to adjust the brakes... ever since then, when the car is not moving and my foot goes on the brakes, I get to hear a bark... it actually reminds me of the sound that Gerbals make... had some growing up as a kid.
I found a post that describes how to bleed brakes manually here: Bleeding 05 Prius brakes the old fashion way | PriusChat I'll give it a shot and report back. Probably in about two weeks.