I think the silver trim on the tail light of my 2012 Barcelona red Prius is a little bit too shiny for my taste. I would like to tint it bit but I'm unsure of which route to go with? Films would be nice because I can take it off come inspection time but it's pricey. I have also seen spray cans like night shade and plastic dip based ones that seem to do the job but they are too dark. I'm not trying to get a ticket here, just want it slightly darker. Anyone have personal experiences with these? Pictures would be appreciated, thanks.
Light smoke tints should do the trick. Smoked LaminX (blocks 17% of light) below. LaminX has lighter versions (Tint and Gunsmoke) if you want even lighter.
I have the Valenti lights. Upgrading to full LED taillights is the way to go if you have the funds, but some here go with tints as a cheap way to give their cars a different look.
Ive tinted my taillights on my 2011 and 2012.. Total cost was around 50 for the tint and another 50 for a tint shop to install.. I get mine from a guy named Bluebatmobile.. He sells on other forums.. Check out my progress threads.. I have 2 threads.. One for my 2011 and one for my 2012.. Tell him I sent you!! I would post pics or links but I'm on my phone right now..
Thanks all, I ordered the Lamin X (Tint) for my headlight and taillights. I'll be doing this myself but I'll wait until the weather gets warmer. I think I spent all last night looking at Valenti lights and now I'm seriously considering the SB but man are they expensive. Does anyone know who much they ran during the "sale"? I'll see how the Lamin X thing goes first.
Not that much cheaper at $370. They used to be more expensive at $420 when they first came out. There are cheaper full-LED taillights out there but you get what you pay for.
fyi, its the more complex and complicated mod for taillights. it was utter frustration putting them on them. i used laminx 5%. see my icon picture. have you previous vinyl or wrapping experience? the problem is that they are cut exactly to shape. thus, you have very little room for error, especially with the prius' many curve lines.
Wotcher, what you did there looks good. I have no experience with tinting but those YouTube vids seem pretty clear on what to do. I want those Valenti lights but I will definitely have to find someone who can install those for me. That's pretty expensive but I plan on selling my iPad on craigslist to cover the costs.
i warned you! go look at the lamin website, prius difficulty rating is the highest they have. i must have applied and reapplied one tail light at least 15 times before i got tired. Then i had alex @ fuzion do other one. he echoed 32kcolors' thoughts.
I used Lamin-X film and had it professionally installed about two years ago. Still looks great, hasn't peeled.