so lets say you are able to do most of the maintenance yourself, how do you prove it to Toyota when there is an issue with your car and the car in under warranty that all the required maintanance was done?
Maggie: I suppose if something like the motor blows up, and you get into a *real* pissing contest with Toyota, they might be able to squirm out of warranty coverage. At the very least, every time you do an oil change, keep the receipts for the oil and filter, mark down the date, mileage, and as Galaxee suggested, the VIN as well. This is an area where you might be damned if you don't and damned if you do. You may have read my recent post about the incredibly crappy bulk motor oil my dealer was using. I suppose it "meets" Toyota spec for the duration of the warranty. Once off warranty, if the motor is a sludged up or worn out mess, TFB. But say my use of Mobil 1 0W-30 gets Toyota in a tizzy. Example, they "recommend" a 5W-30, and I'm using a 0W-30. Semantics, right? But it might be enough for them to "prove" I was negligent, even though I can make the very good arguement that in a climate that can dip to -40 in winter, a 0W-30 is *way* better for the motor than a 5W-30. My ace card is the certified virgin oil sample report of the dealer bulk Mystery 5W-30. By all indication it would fail even minimum oil standards, so if Toyota ever *does* question anything related to my motor, I can readily prove to them the first two oil changes my car had AT THE DEALER it was filled with an inferior oil. jay
But let's say it's not oil change. Let's say it's just some things that you are supposed to have inspected. There are no receipts
I would guess that you would have to prove you were "qualified". For some reason the movie “My Cousin Vinnie†leaps to mind. :lol: