Black/Beige - 2006 Package #7 So, I took possession this past Wednesday - Drove the 40mile trip home. Work Friday, Work saturday - FIlled up the tank on Saturday. I was averaging 39mpg over my few days, and rather than run the risk of running dry, I fueled up pre-emptively. Math dictated I was at abour 2gallons left, so I could have pulled 400 on the tank, but I know I'd be doing some more driving, so I was content with it. So far I've done the All-door locking adjustment as seen in the manual. I've found that the only practical way to lock the doors is to press the button on the door handle to let it lock the door that way. Is anyone aware of there heresay I heard that there is something which will "auto lock" the doors if you walk outside of a certain perimeter of the car? I'd still like to find ways to do the NAV Defeat (as everyone wants to know) - Well, more than NAV but the "Button Defeat" because not being able to see information, or activate buttons while the car is in motion is a tad 'overprotective' of us, in this nanny state mentality. (There atleast ought to be some override which you can sign off a waiver "acknowledging your choice" - and it turns permanently off or something) A rear cam view while driving would also be nice, I'm sure that can be manipulated in some fashion. I expect by this coming Friday to probably have my first 1000 miles on the car (or more, I'm not sure how my schedule is looking) But I'm loving it, great car, wish more features were available in motion, and more colors (Cmon, its a fricking palette orange and green are not everything!) *** One last thing - When/where are the Chicagoland Prius meetup type things? ***
Your audio will work.. press the audio button while driving and when the car asks you for a prompt.. say "address".. it will prompt you through the motions. I think what you can't do by hand while driving, you can still do by voice.
It is kind of backwards though, choose state, choose city, choose street, choose number I wish it could assume I mean the damn state I'm in! Some kind of settings I can set somewhere out there.
Yea.. it seems backwards.. possibly saving the most complicated info till last.. Its a bit tedious, but at east it works.... while driving
There is no "Auto Lock" (that I know of) for the Prius that you suggest. The "Auto-Lock" that Coastal Tech sells will lock the doors when you're driving over 15 mph. Good news, Coastal Tech has it. Bad news, it won't work for the 2006. There may be a "dance" to do it, but it hasn't been found.....yet. Does the 2006 have the same 6 "Quick Destination" buttons?
I'll field this one: THIS SATURDAY! Here's the link to the "official" thread: Meetup Thread Here's the short version: Where Siemens Building Technologies 950 Deerfield Parkway Buffalo Grove, IL [Map Attached] When Saturaday, January 28th Straight up Noon. Attractions I will be installing my EV button Steve Reubart should be bringing his Hybrid Highlander A mix of 04s, 05s, and 06s for comparison Back-up camera demos for those of us pre-06 Lunch to follow at Panera Usually a few pictures
I think he might have been referring to if you unlock the car with the remote on accident but don't open a door for a certain time the doors lock back up automatically. Not sure if that was indeed what he meant by it.
Or, now that I read his post more clearly, perhaps he meant, if he unlocks the door(s), gets out and walks away from the car, that the car will lock automatically for him? If that is what he heard, then I don't think that is possible.
That's what I thought they meant. Most of the time when someone mentions "Auto Lock" somebody asks if it means you can leave the car and after the fob is out of range all doors lock.
Yea, that is exactly what I meant. Atleast I've discovered the little "Press the button on the doors or on the trunk and it locks" which works well enough for now. Some kind of perimeter lock sounds interesting though I doubt it'll happen.
It's actually quite logical - by drilling down, the nav system reduces the number of possible commands to increase the recognition accuracy. As for assuming the state, that would be great until you wanted to set a destination in another state! Perhaps some option like "use current city and state" would be nice.