Finally took a look at the MPG on our little Mazda minivan . 14.8 MPG. I guess they were right it is a MPV and not a MPG. I have to admit I kind of relegated Prius , Buick and Oldsmobile (with the mandatory white sidewall tires) in the same slow lane and moved over quickly to pass. I didn't realize that they were often trying to improve their MPG. The South Park episode with smug Prius owners did have a bit of a ring of truth to it. I figure I could save about $2,000 a year on fuel at current prices, besides being more environmentally responsible. What is impressive about the Prius is that it is good to go out of the box. The little wheels are kinda dorky, but they work. I live in a suburban area but we are surrounded by more rural areas. I am a little concerned that Billy Bob and his jacked up 4X4 with Cepek's is gonna harass us. My wife is sure to put on some liberal stickers and I need something to offset them. Thinking along with her liberal stickers to put a "Eat, Sleep, Go Fishing" or a "NHRA Drag Racing" sticker to confuse 'em. I still have to test drive, but I am not considering any other car. Prius' just have too much going for them. Looks like I am gonna be around for awhile.. unless I trade in the next few weeks for a 2007 Lambo Galardo or a Fusion....
Welcome aboard! Pull up those man pants and don't worry about what others think and enjoy some really good fuel economy.
I like my Prius, I liked the Prius I owned before this one. I am not anti-Prius, but no car is right for everyone, so here are my comments on who should not own a Prius. considering a Prius | PriusChat
Good thread! A lot of my driving is in 35mph small jogs of 3-4 miles, but with a few 10 mile commutes at 55-60MPH beltways. Because it is a relatively small city it does not have a lot of urban congestion (traffic moves well in the 'burbs). It will also allow us to pleasure drive to the Oregon coast (appx. 65 miles one way) or up to Portland at 110 miles.
Try and keep the car sticker free. The Prius is already the punching bag of the simpletons. Just go on twitter and search Prius.
The few, the proud, the Prius owners/drivers.... My late uncle was a Marine and always had Camrys but if he had known what he could have done with a Prius... Yeah, I drank the Kool Aid and converted... with no regrets.
Envy is a terrible thing. In order for some one to be nipping at your butt they have to be behind you. So kill em with kindness!
I have 3 friends that own a Prius. One gal is a Art School graduate. She looks the part skinny, blond, wild hair, unusual clothes. She has a few liberal stickers on her bumper and rear glass. Can't recall them all but something about coexist with religios symbols, Obama sticker, books before bombs and a few more. I drove with her a few times and I said did you notice a few people honked the horn and flipped us the bird? She said sure I just ignore it.
Congrats FranklinS. The car is great and I think you'll enjoy it. I bought one last summer on the same idea, $2k gas savings each year, $10k over the life of the car to put back into maintenance and still hopefully come out ahead when I compare it against my previous Corolla. Even with a slightly higher payment, the overall savings cannot be ignored. I also thought of all kinds of stickers and things to mess with people but decided against it, will just customize it and make my own statement. Good luck and enjoy!!
There is no greater statement than when you pull away from the gas pump and folks are looking to see what it took to peel a Prius off the pump...
This is the only other caution. I went to the movies tonight to see The Impossible. Excellent movie go see it. When I went into the parking lot there must have been 15 Priuses in the parking lot, 3 the same color as mine.
Lot of you all weren't around here 5 years ago, but tell you what, it was crazy! If you wanted a Prius in 2008, you'd get on a waiting list for months. Was like that before 2008 also. Well, it wasn't like that by the end of 2008 when the economy went down the crapper.
The Great Recession when your neighbors becamed unemployed and when they went back to work it was for 30% less income, high deductable medical insurance and they took crap from the boss to stay employed. Welcome to the new economy.
Haven't used Twitter before but there were a lot of Prius haters out there in my one search... either their shorts are in a knot or they really must be ticked off at the gas savings we are getting. C'est la vie!
A couple of stickers I liked; "My Prius has more torque than your truck" and "Saving more gas for you".
Op- you went from a generic soccer mom minivan to a cutting edge vehicle (Prius) and you're worried about image? You've posted your thoughts on what ppl think of Prius drivers- what do you think ppl say/think about minivan drivers?