Does anybody know if you need a plate no. to receive a California HOV sticker? My car is new and has no plates yet, and I'd like to order the stickers before they "go away". The form has a line for Plate No. Does anybody know or should I just risk the $8 and give it a try? I called AAA and they didn't know. The DMV website is no help either. Calling DMV is like calling IRS for a live person to talk to. Any knowledge?
I not only sent the form without receiving my plates, they issued the stickers and the certificate before they issued the plates. The certificate has the VIN, but a blank for the plate number.
The only requirement is the VIN must be in the system when they get to your HOV application. Make sure the dealer does not sit on the paperwork. Best if you could get them to walk it through a local DMV office.
I want to say it was about a month, maybe a bit less. I can say for sure that the stickers showed up before the license plates by at least a couple of weeks. I didn't drive the carpool in today, but I'll try to remember to check tonight on the issue date on the certificate that comes with the stickers...
I got my plates before the stickers. I sent the application for the stickers in on January 4th. The check was just cashed yesterday, so hopefully I will see the stickers soon...
note that your check probably has the plate number written on the back of it. i think the DMV sits on the application form until some other part of the DMV assigns a license plate # to your VIN, and then the sticker app is processed. edit: in response to the OP, i actually was able to talk to someone at the DMV about this topic in late december. they told me to just send in the form and leave the licence plate field blank, or write not issued yet in the field. it was actually not a long wait to talk to someone, maybe 5 minutes.
I'm looking for that answer as well! Today, I'm cruising in the fast lane on the 55 - and a new Prius with dealer plates blows by me in the carpool lane with stickers. My dealer told me you needed plates before stickers. Anyone know?
You don't need the platenumber to file your application form. DMV will issue stickers only after the license platenumber has been assigned to your vehicle (this happens within DMV). Then, they send you the stickers. Your stickers would arrive BEFORE your license plate does. I hope this is clear.
OK, just checked in the glove box... I picked up Ruby on September 28th, I think I sent the form the next day, so September 29th. The check hit my bank October 17th, and the DMV issued the sticker and certificate on October 19th. So, end-to-end, about three weeks, plus a bit of time for the postal system to work their magic. As an aside... If the DMV knew the plate number when they issued the stickers, they certainly didn't take the time to print it on the certificate. It has VIN and sticker numbers, but a big blank for CA license plate number.