Anybody had success transfering the BB7520 address book to the Prius' one? My car and the BB recognize each other and pair perfectly, however when I try to transfer the data the phone falis to connect and nothing else happens... In the BB forum thay say that is not possible ...any ideas? Have more than 100 addresses and will take a lot of time to do it manually...
Not possible, BB security does not allow a transfer like this. There is a way to make a transfer with your Laptop and your Blackberry, if you have bluetooth on your laptop. Search for "laptop transfer", if you can't find it let me know. Ken
I too have a BB 7250 from Verizon. Verizon doesn't allow the OCBX(?) bluetooth to fully work in their mobile devices. It is frustrating and I tried the synch, but nothing happens. The good news is that there is room to add all of your contacts, the bad news is you have to make time to do it....I'm adding a couple of names a week and started with the speed dial names first. - Joe
Thanks Ken - I have the blackberry connected to my desktop and might be able to connect the BB to a BT enabled Laptop - Then my question is if from the Laptop I can transfer the info to the Prius AB Anyways thanks for the info!!!
Yes. What happens is you establish the connection with your BB to the car. You then set the car up to receive the address book. When it is ready for the transfer, you then send it from the laptop, the car thinks it's coming from the BB. I don't know if it works on a 2006, haven't heard if anyone has tried it. Look for that post, it has instructions on how to create the file and send it. Post back to that thread if it works for a 2006. Ken