I own a Prius C2. Does anyone know the lifespan of the car key Lithium CR2016 battery? I am concern in the future I may be in a remote location and the battery may become dead. Under this condition I may be stranded and could not start the ignition system with the dead battery key. I think, if the doors are locked, I could still open the locked doors, but the dead battery would not allow me to start the car (get a READY LIGHT), WOULD IT BE RECOMMEND TO KEEP A SPARE BATTERY IN THE CAR AS A BACK- UP?
The Prius C 2 does NOT have a SMART KEY SYSTEM. Your reply refers to page 473 of the owners manuel (If the electronic key does not operate properly (vehicles with a smart key system). I believe your reply is not valid! If I am wrong please get me a page number in the Manuel with information how to start a Prius C WITHOUT a smart key system with a dead battery key.
if you don't have smart key, why would it not start? isn't it like any other key fob? i don't have a c or manual, so maybe i'm off kilter.
It is not possible to get a spare key made at a hardware store that will permit the key to start ANY new Toyota car. ALL KEYS USED IN THEIR IGNITION SYSTEMS REQUIRE A TRANSPONDER TO BE ELECTRONICALLY ACTIVATED IN ORDER TO START THEIR CARS. This is for anti-theft prevention!
Actually you can have duplicate key made for the C2 model at most major hardware stores, The key has to be programmed with vehicle's serial number. Cost is about $80. The blank number is TR47. Personally I carry a old fashioned non programmed key that will open the door only - when I lock myself out.
Relax. Without the SKS, the battery is just for the remote door unlock. The immobiliser recognises your key when you insert it into the ignition. I've been driving Toyotas (first a Camry, then a Corolla) with immobilisers since 1996 and although these were different in that they had remote unlock fobs that were not part of the key itself, I suspect it is highly unlikely that Toyota would design it in a way that went backwards from the old system. In that old system it was the (batteryless) key that the immobiliser recognised, not the remote unlock fob with its battery. In any case, the battery will die gradually and you'll start to get annoyed that the operating range has reduced, notice the LED seems weak and end up replacing the battery long before it is totally dead. EDIT: I just glanced at the manual and noticed the valet key does not have a fob. Leave the fobs in your house and try getting in and starting your car with the valet key. If it works, it will confirm what I'm suggesting here.
QUESTION: My Prius C 2 has an immobilizer system. When I remove either the FOB or Valet key from the ignition switch, the RED IMMOBILIZER light starts blinking and remains blinking 24/7 until I insert my ignition key (either FOB or VALET KEY) back into the ignition. The IMMOBILIZER system is an electrical system so I believe any key in the ignition including the Valet Key must have a battery in order to deactivate the IMMOBILIZER system and turn Off it's activated RED blinking LIGHT and turn on the GREEN READY light. Are my statements correct? ANYONE COMMENT AND REPLY!
The immobilizer system uses a chip called a transponder in the keyfob or valet key. Power to operate the transponder is provided inductively from the car via a coil in the keyslot. If the battery in the keyfob dies, then the lock/unlock buttons will no longer work. The easiest way to verify this is to remove the battery from a keyfob and test it.
What Rob H said... and what I said originally. There is no battery in the valet key and there was no battery in my Corolla key or my Camry key, which used the same immobiliser system and behaved the same way. The battery in your key is for the remote unlock only. It is not there for the transponder function.
first off.. please stop using CAPS... it's rude and it would be considered as yelling. but in this case... READ YOUR OWNER'S MANUAL. the immobilizer chip DOES NOT require any power.. and also, you can start the car with a dead remote key... even with a Smart Key system (which you don't have anyway). the battery, i've seen last over 6 years, and even with it dead, the key will still start the car. so.. no... you don't need an extra battery kept safe somewhere.. when the battery needs replacing.. sure.. just replace it.... the only thing the battery is used for in the key is for the remote lock/unlock... THAT'S IT... but hey!! so if you're battery dies and it doesn't work, you can insert the key into the damn door and unlock it manually.. like the old times when remotes weren't invented yet... or even new modern cars that don't come with remotes.
I want to thank everyone who replied to my thread. I never realized the over use of caps offended some readers. I will take the advice and discontinue this practice in the future. Really guys, thanks for the heads up on the use of caps. Sincerely, Phil... Also, I will stop worrying about the key battery!